Chapter 1: New Job

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Your P.O.V
" Wow, when (bff/n) said it was a wasteland, he/she wasn't kidding." Looking through the train window, all I see is sand, rocks, and the occasional cactus. I looked down at the paper (bff/n) emailed me. "Help wanted: Ongoing fight. Must be willing to risk life.*" It's the 15th time I've read this, but I'm just noticing the little asterisk. I look at the bottom of the page. It says...repeatedly? Huh. Must be really dangerous then. Good. I am a mercenary after all: no fun if there's no danger. (bff/n) had also checked out the job, them being a mercenary as well. But they didn't care for the location and it wasn't specific on details. That's why he/she sent it to me: I love mystery in a job. "Next stop, Teufort." My stop. I suddenly realized hoe nervous I was. I looked down at the paper again, looking at the note I'd written down from the phone call I'd made. A kind sounding woman named Ms. Pauling told me someone would be there to pick me up. "Just look for a group of men in Red; they'll be pretty hard to miss."

I looked at my outfit. Since my interview was over-the-phone, I didn't bother dressing up: red sweatshirt, black skinny jeans, and shiny black high heel combat boots. I wore a little bit of make up as well.

"We have arrived in Teufort. Those whose stop this is, please exit now." This is it. I get out of my seat and grab my bag. It's not too heavy as I only brought a few essentials as well as some personal effects. As I reach the train door, I stop for a moment. I close my eyes, and hope whoever my teammates are, will be somewhat nice. I step off the train and look around. On a huge sign, right above my head,

"Welcome to Teufort"

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