Rolepaly w/ a friend

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This is a roleplay.


This is about a girl. Her name is Marguerite Bellevue. She is depressed and she cuts. She has a best friend named Kyo. They have been friends for awhile, yet she never gained the courage to tell him about her depressing and her addiction to cutting her arms and wrists. But when he finds out and Maggie ends up trying committing suicide what will happen?
This is a roleplay that I started last night with princessluna16 ...
Nicoletta: Kyo

Me: Marguerite

  (It's 5:30 am and she gets up getting ready for school)

Marguerite: *yawns* *gets up out of bed throwing covers to the side* *sighs as she looks at her arms and remembers that she cut last night*

*gets a text*

Kyo: Maggie, you awake (sent 20 minutes ago)

Kyo: Maggie! (Sent 18 minutes ago)

Kyo: MARGUERITE! (Sent 2 minutes ago)

Marguerite: Kyo, you woke me up. What's wrong?

Kyo: I'm just checking if you're okay.

Marguerite: Kyo, I'm always fine. You know that. Meet me at the park in an hour and we'll walk to school?

Kyo: okay. See you then. 

Marguerite: *walks to the bathroom and gets in the shower* *onces she gets out she puts on yoga pants, a dark grey hoodie that says "Bonjour" on it and white flip flops. She grabs her bag and make sure she has everything bride texting Kyo back*

(During text conversation)

Maggie: Hey. Meet me at the park? It's 6:20.

Kyo: sure

Maggie: thanks. I can always count on you 😘❤️

Kyo: ☺️😏

Maggie: weirdo. 

Kyo: Hey. *arrives at park and waits for Maggie.*

Marguerite: *walks to the park* *looks at her arms and saw blood bleeding through the sleeves. She ignores it and runs toward Kyo hugging him tightly. Tears threaten to fall* *she had cut before she left but she didn't think they would still be bleeding now*

Marguerite: *notice Kyo looking at her arms in shock*

Kyo: You're bleeding! What happened!

Maggie: I'm sorry! *cries in his shoulder making his shirt wet* *pulls up her sleeves and winces as the air hits the cuts in her arms making them sting*

Kyo: d-did you cut yourself! W-why! You know better not to do those things!

Maggie: Kyo I'm sorry! I couldn't stop myself *cries even more. So hard that she starts coughing*

Kyo: Y-you can't continue to live like this!

Maggie: *wipes tears and sighs* lets go. *pulls down sleeves* we are going to be late.

Kyo: okay but what if people see the blood?

Maggie: I'll tell them I just got a cat and the scratched are from that.

Kyo: Okay.

Maggie: come on. Let's get going. Don't want to be late again.

Kyo: Alright. *walk all the way to school.*

Maggie: *walks in with Kyo and notices people eyeing her* *she tensed*

Kyo: *whispers* Just pretend there invisible.

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