Well, besides constantly playing with girl's hearts and being attractive.

We walked to Amy's locker and I tried to keep my head down as person upon person passed us, once again giving me more attention than I've ever received before. If Amy wasn't saying anything, however, I must just be paranoid.

"So, tonight," Amy said, jamming her books into her messy locker and quickly shutting the door before everything came tumbling out. "We're going to the Boardwalk, so you need to think about dressing cute! Everyone's going to be there so it's not a 'shorts and t-shirt' occasion. We'll go back to your place after school, get ready, and show up about an hour late. That way we're not wandering around like idiots before..." Amy's train of thought ceased as her eyes widened and her cheeks blushed. Her lips curled into a smile as none other than Sean Parker approached us.

"Ladies," he beamed, only appearing to make eye contact with Amy. I fidgeted my hands, gripping my textbooks even harder than before. What was he doing here?

"Hey," Amy breathed, her eyes remained focused on Sean's every move as he leaned on the locker next to her. Her shoulders relaxed and her teeth toyed with her bottom lip. It took everything in me not to hurl.

"What are you guys up to?" He asked, once again not a question intended for the entire party to answer, but rather directed at Amy.

Amy stayed quiet for a moment, mesmerized by Sean's gaze. In her hesitation, I jumped in before she could say anything stupid.

"We're talking about tonight," I said. Both sets of eyes glanced at me for a brief moment before returning to one another.

"What about tonight?" Sean asked with a raised eyebrow, his charming still as obnoxiously perfect as ever.

"Oh, we're just going to stop by the Boardwalk for a bit. You know, school tradition," Amy snorted, a nervous laughing habit she's picked up over the years. Her snort often comes out when talking to boys she likes. Normally, it's my duty as her best friend to try and cover up this embarrassing habit; however, I couldn't hide my annoyance enough to help her out this time. When have we ever went to the Boardwalk as a school tradition? It is an annual event that most of the school attends, but for us, this is a new thing.

"Are you coming?" Amy asked while batting her lashes. My cheeks flushed at the thought of Sean Parker showing up tonight and me being a third-wheel. I hated being a third-wheel and especially when Amy's this smitten with a boy. I kicked her as nonchalantly as I could in the leg, but she didn't seem fazed.

"Of course! Doesn't most of Kalani Prep go?" Sean smirked, his signature curled lip smile that makes the women swoon. Amy's breath hitched. Bile rose in my throat.

"You're kidding," the words flew out of my mouth before I could stop them. For the first time during this conversation, Amy and Sean's attention was fully on me. Amy gave me a death glare while Sean's face was surprisingly...smug.

"Why so surprised, Brooke?" he asked. The use of my name startled both me and Amy. It just occurred to me that he hasn't referred to me by my name all day. Matter of fact, I didn't even know he knew what my name was. I'm sure Amy wondered the same thing. It wasn't too often that a guy from Kalani Prep even knew of my existence besides the occasional math geek or surfing guru.

The shock sent me into a state of silence but drove Amy to change the subject.

"So you'll come?" Amy smiled widely, excitement glistening in her eyes.

"I'll see you guys there," he smiled back and with a glance in my direction, he was off. I could have sworn he tossed a wink in my direction, but that has to be a delusion. I must be getting paranoid.

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