Alone Together

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I felt sick. "What?" I thought he must have been playing a joke.

"I'm sorry, I just thought that it would be best. I mean it's a fantastic opportunity and you know I've always wanted to live in America. He looked down at his full plate, repeatedly picking up and putting down the noodles.

"Yeh but I never thought it was serious. Are you seriously going?" I started to go all shaky and I gripped the edge of the tablecloth tightly so I could have something to hold onto.

"Yes. I'm really sorry Dan..." His eyes began to glisten and at first I thought they were with laughter and for a moment I felt the panic begin to loosen but then, when they began to fill with tears, I felt worse than I did before. I stood up before I realised what I was doing and began to head towards the door, trying to take in what was happening. Phil stood up quickly and went in for a hug, but I pushed him away as I mumbled something about needing the toilet. I ran into my room and shut the door and and his underneath my duvet, feeling safe cocooned in the soft blankets.


I must have drifted off to sleep because when I woke up it was around midnight. I had that after nap confusion; I was walking around the flat in a daze. I wandered into the kitchen and found Phil eating my cereal.

"AGAIN?! Seriously Phil!!!" I laughed as I grabbed the packet from him. He tugged back at it and we both fell into fits of giggles, aware of how stupid it was that two grown men were laughing at cereal in the middle of the night. I finally managed to pull harder than Phil and I stood there triumphantly, the box in my hands.

"Are you ok now?" Phil asked quietly, his smile falling away.

I had been so confused after my nap I had completely forgotten what had happened at dinner. It hit me again, but I realised I had to be pleased for Phil, or at least pretend to be. "Yeh I'm fine. Sorry for earlier. That's an amazing opportunity! You should be really pleased!!!" I tried to put as much enthusiasm into my voice as possible but failed miserably. I gave him an awkward hug and then made some excuse about being tired and went back to bed.

I couldn't imagine life without my best friend. What would I do without someone to be weird with, without someone who ate my cereal in the middle of the night? I already feel empty when he leaves, and when he visits his parents I mope around the house for the entire time (although I'd never admit that to him). And his eyes... They were so beautiful, a stunning blue and looking into them made me feel...

What was I doing? He was just my best friend, what was I doing thinking thoughts like that? I tried to shake the situation out of my head and put on my headphones, scrolling through until I found Alone Together by Fall Out Boy. I played it as load as the phone would let me and fell asleep, the lyrics sticking in my head.

I don't know where you're going
But do you got room for one more troubled soul?
I don't know where I'm going
But I don't think I'm coming home and I said
I'll check in tomorrow if I don't wake up dead
This is the road to ruin
And we're starting at the end

Say yeah (yeah!)
Let's be alone together (yeah)
We could stay young forever (yeah)
Scream it from the top of your lungs, lungs, lungs
Say yeah (yeah!)
Let's be alone together (yeah)
We could stay young forever (yeah)
We'll stay young, young, young, young, young.


As Dan left the room I sat on the kitchen counter. He seemed to almost shrug off the fact I was leaving. And that hurt. But earlier... He seemed really confused and upset. And now I was confused. Earlier I had convinced myself that leaving was the best option but now I wanted to stay. I couldn't leave him. But I knew I had to.

I crept up to his door silently and opened it slowly. He was lying curled up in his bed, with the covers surrounding him. I shut it again slowly and felt the tears spring up in my eyes. Why did I have to fall in love with my best friend who didn't love me back? I ran into the living room and lay on the sofa, sobbing into my favourite cushion.


I heard Phil come into my room. He did this a lot and he always tried to be quiet but he never managed. I pretended to be asleep so that he wouldn't see I had been crying, but after he left I decided to get up and make the most of the last three weeks I had left with my best friend. I walked into the living room and found him crying on the sofa.

"Phil are you ok?" I asked, sitting down next to him.

He looked up and immediately tried to wipe away the tears. He looked so sad, and I decided if he wanted to tell me what it was about he would.

"Come here." I pulled him into me and he snuggled down, his head on my chest. His tears soaked through my T-shirt and for some reason cuddling him made me feel slightly short of breath. I looked down at him and realised how beautiful he was. His eyes were gorgeous and he was just so... I couldn't find the word.

"I'm gonna miss you Dan," he mumbled as he snuggled down further.

"Me too, Phil, me too."

I published this at the same time as I'm leaving so I don't know what's happened! But yeh thanks guys :) hopefully you're enjoying it!
Love you guys!!! Xxx

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