I'm Leaving

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He'd been gone for ages. I looked outside and saw it was beginning to get dark. The outside lights were sending a faint yellow glow into our flat, and I could faintly hear car horns blaring, as the drivers were desperate to get home.

I'd been mindlessly scrolling through Tumblr since he'd left, constantly telling myself that Tumblr was a deep, dark place where no one should ever visit, but I found it so addictive, scrolling through to see what appeared next on my dash. As I moved past a photo of FKA Twigs with Robert Pattison (btw what???), my eyes fell on a drawing of Phil and I kissing. I came across them a lot, and every time they caused me to feel a sharp pain, but I didn't know why.

My neck was starting to hurt from being in the same position, so I adjusted myself so I was stretched out across the sofa. I always got insanely bored when Phil wasn't there, as I had no one to talk to and the flat felt empty.

I looked up as the door opened, faintly hearing the click muffled by 'Citizen Erased', which was blaring from my headphones. Phil walked through the door and handed me a Starbucks, which I gratefully accepted, as even inside it was freezing. He sat down on the sofa and curled up beneath a blanket, sipping his own coffee.

"What's it like outside?" I asked, noticing his bright red nose and cheeks.

"Pretty cold," he replied, gulping down his coffee. "No wait, absolutely freezing! And I slipped over on some ice outside Starbucks and spilt your drink all over the road so I had to get you a new one! The lady looked at me as if I was stupid..." He laughed and then got up off the sofa and began to leave the room.

"You were gone ages!" I said. He seemed a bit strange... Distant. Obviously something had happened while he was out, because to get a coffee did not take two hours. "What did you do?"

"Well I got the coffees and then went for a walk," he answered, rubbing his arms. He shuffled backwards, obviously hinting he wanted to leave the room.

"In this weather?!" I gestured to the window and the sleet that was tumbling from the sky and forming soggy slush in the middle of the pavements. I couldn't see anyone walking around outside, which shows how cold it was because we live in the centre of London and the street outside is normally congested with people hurrying backwards and forwards with shopping bags and briefcases.

"I was thinking," he said before promptly leaving the room.

I assumed his odd behavior was just a mood, and went back to scrolling through Tumblr and drinking my coffee.


As soon as I left I fell back against the wall. My coffee felt hot in my hand, and I felt a drip dribble down the side of the cup, finally ending its journey on my hand. I brushed it away and tried to concentrate on finding something for dinner but I couldn't take my mind off it. It hurt to look at him when I knew what was going to happen. I just couldn't deal with it anymore: the unreturned feelings, being close to him the whole time knowing I shouldn't feel the way I do about my best friend. But he was gorgeous. His eyes were a beautiful chocolate brown and the dimple on his cheek that appeared when he smiled made him even more gorgeous. And his laugh. His laugh made my stomach do flips, and this is why I decided it had to stop.

The fans noticed before I did, the glances we were sending each other and the flirting disguised as friendly banter. And when I heard what people were saying about it, it finally made sense. But for Dan, that's all it was, friendly banter. I decided to tell him over dinner, so I could work up the courage. What I was about to do made my heartbreak, but I needed to do it.

I walked into the kitchen and looked in the fridge to see what we could have for dinner, but as usual there was only left over Chinese from our takeaway a week ago. I picked it up and saw it was covered with mold. I threw it into the bin with a squeal and then poked my head round the living room door and asked Dan what he wanted for dinner.

"And you say you're my best friend Phil?! Chinese obviously!" He smiled at me, and my heart pounded and I realised I had to leave as soon as possible so I ducked back inside the kitchen and tried to take my mind off of Dan by ordering way too much Chinese.

An hour later the doorbell rang, and I ran down to get the takeaway. The man handed me two huge bagfuls of food, and as I stared at it I realised just how much food I had bought. I shoved it onto the table and shouted to Dan that dinner was ready. I felt sick as I tried to muster the courage to say what I wanted... Wait no; I didn't WANT to say it but what I needed to say.

Dinner was pretty uneventful, with random conversation that I'm pretty sure would land us in a mental home if someone overheard. I could barely eat anything because my stomach was churning so much, and Dan seemed to have picked up on this.

"Phil are you ok? Are you not hungry?" He shoveled a spoonful of egg-fried rice into his mouth.

"Yeh just not hungry." I stabbed my fork into a piece of chicken and forced my self to eat it.

"But you ordered loads!" Dan said, gesturing at the table. About 15 boxes were lying there still full with food.

"Yeh I know, sorry."

"Phil, are you ok? You've been acting strange today." Dan looked at him with a caring expression.

"Yeh I'm fine." I took a deep breath. "Actually, Dan, I wanted to say something." I looked up at him.

"Yeh?" he said as he ate a forkful of Chow Mein.

"Well, I've been offered a job in America. As a TV presenter." I looked down.

Dan looked confused. "Ok..."

"And I've decided to take it. I leave in three weeks."

Thank you so much for reading! You have no idea what this means to me...
It's my first fanfic so I apologise for how crappy it is!
Love you xxx

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