Chapter Nine

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Goose bumps flared across my skin, everything about me winding tighter and tighter. I wanted to consume her, right there on the sidewalk. I didn't care who was watching. My hands naturally heated and I had to force myself to release her, so I wouldn't burn her.

She stared at me, eyes wide, as if she too was in shock. I had to physically focus on cooling myself down. I couldn't stay away, though. I needed to touch her again.

Grabbing her hand, I pulled her in the direction of my bike, wanting to keep her moving before things could get awkward between us. I couldn't stop marveling about what I'd just experienced. It was incredible—and I wanted to do it again.

We left the parking lot and headed to a burger joint near the school. Leading her to an empty table, we sat down. I couldn't stop stroking her hand, loving the way her skin felt next to mine.

Memories of this morning filled my mind and watching her closely, I smiled.

"What?" she asked, acting confused.

"Did you enjoy the show this morning?" I couldn't resist teasing her.

"What show?"

"I knew you were there, you know, hiding behind the dugout. What a sneaky little girl you are." I shook my finger at her, laughing as her face stained brightly with color.

"You knew?" An amazed expression crossed her features. "Oh, this is so embarrassing." She groaned and covered her face with her free hand.

"Why don't you tell me what you were doing there?" She was so cute when she was flustered, and I continued to chuckle when she wouldn't meet my gaze.

"I was worried about you," she replied with a half shrug.

This surprised me. "Worried? Why?"

"Well, you seemed so melancholy when you left last night. I couldn't get you, or your story, out of my head. I had all these nauseating thoughts of what would happen if your . . . " her voice dropped to a whisper and she glanced around, " . . . if your dad were to suddenly find you. It terrified me to think I could wake up one morning and you would just be gone—poof—like you'd never even been here. Then I got to school today, and you weren't there. I couldn't find you after class either and—"

"And you thought the worst happened, so you came looking for me." I felt horrible. Had I been paying better attention, I would've known. "Oh, Portia. I'm so sorry for worrying you. I had to help Marsha get her car to the shop and it didn't open until right when school started. Then, when I did finally get there, I had to go to a meeting and do some schedule changes with the counselor. I didn't even think you might be alarmed about it."

She rolled her eyes. "Well, I feel completely foolish now."

"Don't." I covered her hand in both of mine. "You have no idea how much it means to know you cared enough to do something like that. I haven't had anyone do something that sweet for me in a long time." I stared at her, wishing I could somehow better convey my feelings. Her heart was so pure and sweet.

"Order number ten," a voice behind the counter called, breaking the moment. Reluctantly, I stood and went to get our food.


"Spill it," Marsha said, coming in from her hostess position at Bruce's restaurant. Because he was a coven member, he'd hired her for the job, knowing she wanted it to be kept off the books. Everything he paid her was under his wife's name, so he wasn't cheating anyone out of taxes or anything like that. This allowed Marsha to work without leaving a paper trail that could easily be followed.

"Spill what?" I asked, glancing at her from where I was sitting on the couch, totally confused as to what she was talking about.

"The rumor mill says you were spotted holding hands with Portia at school today and that you were seen kissing too." She crossed her arms and stared at me, raising an eyebrow as she waited.

"Oh, that." Trying really hard to keep the grin from spreading across my face, I turned back toward the television. "What do we want to do for dinner tonight?"

"Don't you even try to change the subject on me, mister. What's going on? Are you dating her now?"

I shrugged. "If you call holding hands and eating lunch together dating, then yeah, I guess so. I haven't really had the chance to ask her on a proper one yet."

"So, is this like a once in a while thing? Are you going to ask other girls out as well?"

"Um, no. It's Portia or nothing." There was no way I could even look at anyone else. She was it for me.

"So, this is like a steady boyfriend/girlfriend thing then?"

"Yep," I replied, knowing she wanted me to elaborate some more, but I didn't want to. I wanted to keep my feelings regarding Portia to myself for a while. They were private.

"Why didn't you tell me all this when I asked you the other day?"

"There wasn't anything to tell. It was all new and I wanted to see how things went before my well-meaning, matchmaking aunt got involved. Don't mess things up for me, Marsha. Let it develop as naturally as it can, okay?"

"What do you mean naturally?" She studied me harder, looking for the hidden significance behind my words.

I sighed. "I mean I want things to develop however they will between the two of us. No inviting her here for dinner, or collaborating with her parents to get us together. We already have a connection and I want to see how it will develop on its own." I stood and went into the kitchen, hearing her footsteps following behind me. "Now, I'm starving. I know you just got off work and probably don't want to cook anything, so I can either make something for you or we can hit a restaurant. You decide."

"Let's go out," she replied with a smile.

"Where to?"

"Anywhere that's not Bruce's. I love his place, but I need a break from it." She tossed me her keys. "And you're driving. Let me go change really quick."

"Okay. I'll meet you in the car." I headed toward the garage.

"Vance?" she called after me and I turned. "I won't interfere; but please know I think Portia is the perfect choice for you. I'm happy about it."

Unable to help it, I smiled at her. "I am too."

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