Chapter Two: Unexpected

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Chapter Two~ Unexpected

Life always has a way of giving you surprises. Some of life's greatest surprises were both unexpected and unwanted. But there was no customer service desk at life's door where you could return the unwanted gift. Nope, when life handed you something you had to take it and force a smile to appear. But I was Rose Hathaway and I wasn't going to except this surprise so gratefully.

Dimitri and Tasha stood near the curb were a black Sudan was parked. The tags on the car showed it must belong to a rental agency. Adrian finally straightened out his posture and Lissa was the first one to jump up ( something I was sure was not healthy for the baby) and rush to greet both Tasha and Dimitri. Christian followed his wife obviously picking up on her hyper mood and worried about her wellbeing. Lyric and Lidiya had joined our table curiously watching the new comers. Adrian wrapped his hand around my waist and squeezed, not tightly but enough to let me know that he didn't want me hurt.

Lissa was absolutely all smiles which was really ticking me off, "Tasha! How are you?" She bellowed and she scooped Tasha into a big bear hug.

Tasha returned the hug and gently patted Lissa's swollen belly, "How am I? I think the question should be how you are."

Lissa clasped herself to Christian's arm and sheepishly smiled. The rest of the conversation faded away as my own thoughts swarmed my head. Dimitri was trying very hard not to make eye contact with me. He was standing straight and he seemed to be looking everywhere and anywhere but me. I swallowed relieved. I had spent a long time trying to forget him and to get over the heartache but seeing him for the first time in seven years had my heart breaking all over again. I blinked my eyes trying not to show that I was weak in his presence. But he had chosen this right? He had chosen Tasha over me. He had chosen his duty and his desire for family over a silly schoolgirl who had been stupid enough to fall in love with her teacher. Well I wasn't going to let it bug me. I wasn't going to sit here and drown my sorrows; no I would do this Rose Hathaway style. I would get even. I was about to stand and play the part of a happy mother when movement from the car's backseat caught my eye. It was the first time I had noticed the little dhampir boy in the back with a dhampir girl about my age. Tasha seemed to finally register that Lissa and Christian were not alone at the little table as she called out my name, "Well I'll be darned is that Rose Hathaway?"

I stiffened and Adrian grabbed my hand in support. Lyric and Lidiya were intrigued on watching the situation and whispering to themselves like little kids usually did, but now that the attention had turned to their mother they both were at my other side pulling me towards the little huddled group on the sidewalk.

I had to play cool. I had to act calm and mature and I couldn't show the pain and hurt that my eyes would probably betray. I smiled and allowed Tasha to embrace me in a firm hug before she backed away and examined the girls, "Are these yours?" She said referring to the twins.

I smiled and leaned into Adrian, "Yes there ours." I kissed him on the cheek and he seemed momentarily dazed by the action but quickly caught on.

Lyric, being the social butterfly she is, pulled her hand away from mine and stood in the middle of the whole group, "I'm Lyric Lissa B…."

I cut her off knowing where this was going, "That's Lyric Lissa Ivashkov and Lidiya Lily Hathaway."

Tasha knelt down to the girls height and I was happy she hadn't noticed the slip up on the names.

She stuck out her had to Lyric, "I'm Tasha Ozera. I'm Christian's aunt. And this is Dimitri Belikov my guardian."

At the mention of Belikov both girls sent sidelong glances at each other. Lyric was the outspoken one and in other meant she was the trouble maker. Both girls had gotten my bad behavior and long dark hair. It was the only trace of me they had and seeing their father in the same vicinity just showed how much the structure of their face and the depth of their eyes were alike. Lyric opened her mouth to say something and I was glad when Adrian interfered and chased the girls around the front yard distracting them from any thoughts that had formed in their little heads. Tasha straightened her posture and beamed, " You look good Rose. How old are those two rascals?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2013 ⏰

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