Home Is Where The Heart Is

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Ok so I know the summary sucked so here's a more elaborate one. This is my second FanFic. I know there are many FanFic's on here about the same storyline but this is my version and it's sure to be unique. This story takes place after Shadow Kissed but there never was an attack on the academy and Dimitri was never turned. The cabin scene did happen! Rose has two twins and they are Dimitri's. He doesn't know. Please Subscribe and review. Many different POV's will most likely take place. Rated M for possible sex scenes ( no promises) and language. Check out my other stories as well.



Disclaimer: I own none of the characters! They belong to Richelle Mead. I do own made-up characters and the material written.

Twins Names:

Lyric Lissa Belikov Hathaway

Lidiya Lily Hathaway Belikov

Chapter One~ Home Sweet Home

Rose POV

In life a person learns many things. As a toddler we learn basic things; how to talk, walk, and function as a living being. As we get older and hit our preteens we learn that we may act like know it alls but in reality we're kids still growing. As out teen years continue we learn how to cope with death, wrestle with love and be our own person. As an adult we learn to balance all these things and make the best of it all. But if you're a dhampir you learn more on top of that. You learn to fight and defend, to be strong and warrior like. If you're Rose Hathaway you learn to cope with the fact that you're a single mother to two rambunctious seven year old daughters.. Life takes us on a rollercoaster and you never really are done learning all of life's lessons. That was something I had picked up on shortly giving birth to my two twin daughters, Lyric Lissa Belikov Hathaway and Lidiya Lily Hathaway Belikov. Each day they taught me a new lesson. They taught me patience…oh did they teach me that. They taught me how to be responsible and independent. But most of all they had taught me how to love again. After my former mentor ( and secret lover), Dimitri Belikov, had left to return to Russia and be a guardian to Natasha Ozera, my life had taken a turn. I had been depressed and sad. Before Dimitri, I hadn't ever believed in those kiddy fairytales. I had always been skeptical that Cinderella really was swept off her feet and carried away from her run down home by Prince Charming. But then my own Prince Charming had come and swept me off my feet and all my doubts about those silly folk tales had taken a new perspective. I'm pretty sure that they call them fairytales because that's what they are. They remained only figments of desperate broken hearted girl's fantasies. In those stories they left out the part about how Prince Charming was a lying and filthy dirty scumbag who abused his so called Princess. They left out the part that Prince Charming had a drinking problem and a criminal record. They left out the part when Prince Charming ran away to Russia with his new girlfriend after him and his sterling silver rose had spent a romantic life changing moment in a cabin in the middle of a forest. Yes, my outlook on fairytales had changed once more. They were sugar coated tales of heart break and they never showed things from realistic point of views. I mean come on. Who really frolics around cleaning house talking to a bunch of woodland creatures? I grew up being cautious of these fairytales and I sure as hell was not going to allow my two daughters to sit and fantasize over pitiful stories that held no true meaning. Fairytales were banned from my house. Instead of listening to nighttime stories of Snow White and Sleeping Beauty, Lidiya and Lyric grew up reading about the Ugly Duckling and The Lion King. When Cinderella came on TV, the channel would immediately be changed. Lissa Dragomir, my best friend in the whole wide world and my assignment as a guardian, always thought I was being too overprotective of the girls and maybe she was right but It had taken me a lot to pick up the pieces I called my life. Lissa was supportive in my decision to keep the twins sheltered, but I knew she secretly despised my outlook on everything. Lyric and Lidiya had been unexpected additions to my life. They had taught me how to love again. Not how to love a guy romantically but they had been my supporters in my recovery to forget their dreaded father. These two angelic angels were my life now. They had been my only concern since the day I had found out about their existence.

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