Home Is Where The Heart Is

Start from the beginning

Flashback 7 years ago

I was sitting in my room staring out the window at the couple that stood outside. A Moroi girl about my age with long dark brown hair stood with a group of her fellow posse. She wore a perky smile as she curiously listened to the dark haired dhampir that stood in front of her. Her posse of girls were exchanging looks and snickering, but the girl's eyes showed longing and fascination as the dhampir boy continued to talk. He pulled a single red rose from behind his back and offered it to the Moroi girl. She seemed delighted to take it as she slowly bent her head down to smell it's fragrance. A glance behind her from her friend's had her smile faltering as her hand slowly dropped and a hard look came across her face. She took the rose and threw it at the boys feet. A look of hurt crossed the boy's face and the girl seemed sad at the situation but she didn't want to look out of place in front of her friends. She turned on her heels and marched off wither friends but not before she glanced back with an apologetic and longing look. The boy kicked at the rose and walked away defeated. The whole scene made me sick to my stomach, literally. I rushed to my room's single bathroom and emptied the contents of my stomach. It had been the third time this week that I was felt nauseous and I was starting to get suspicious. I was starting to think I had caught the flu but it was almost summer time…not the season for flu or even colds. I racked m brain for a reason why I would be so nauseous and only one thought kept sticking with me. But it was clearly impossible for me to be pregnant. The same thought had been plaguing me for days since the nausea had begun. But how could I be pregnant if the only person I had ever had sex with was Dimitri? Dhampirs were known for their inability to bear children together. I had confided in Lissa a few days before and she had somehow come up with a home pregnancy test. I had waved it off as impossible at the time but now I was suspicious. I scurried to the corner of my room were the little brown bag Lissa had given to had ended up. I pulled out the test and tossed the bag aside. I stared at the box for a few good seconds before I retreated to my bathroom again. I took the test like the box instructed and waited three long minutes. The time seemed to e slowing down and I wasn't too worried about the outcome because I was a hundred percent sure I was not pregnant. Boy was I wrong.

End of Flashback

That had been seven years ago and at the time Lissa and I had been dumbfounded as to how I could have ended up pregnant. Adrian had finally cracked the code. His theory was that since I was shadow kissed I wasn't a normal dhampir. He concluded with the fact that since I was shadow kissed I was my own species of dhampir which meant I was an exception the dhampir on dhampir infertility. So nine months later I was shocked to have given birth to not one but two healthy baby girls. Lyric had been the surprise one. My doctors had never picked up on both the fetuses. People had wondered why the famous Rose Hathaway had never took part in her trials but had become the last living Dragomir's guardian. They were even more surprised when word got out about my two children. Speculation had swarmed around and people assumed Adrian was the father. Adrian, being the decent guy he is, had gladly accepted the role as father to my children. So no, I wasn't completely a single mother. Lissa had attended college and had graduated the top of her class. Two years ago when the girls were four and about to begin school Lissa, Christian, Adrian and I had moved into a glamorous townhouse just half an hour from the Academy. The townhouse was really double the size of any normal house. It was almost two houses connected. That's exactly how we treated it also. Adrian and the twins and I resided in one half and Christian and the now pregnant Lissa lived next door. The twins were both in first grade at the academy and I had a hard time not being near them 24/7. Adrian and I hadn't progressed in our relationship. We were still best friends both playing the roles of parents. Lyric and Lidiya were both home for the summer and they were both gawking at Lissa's huge pregnant belly as we all sat down for dinner. Adrian and Christian had barbequed and we all sat outside sitting near the grill at the big picnic table settled in the middle of our front yard. Lissa was almost 7 months pregnant and the girls hadn't seen her in so long that they were both surprised to find her so big and ready to pop.

" Auntie Lissa have you thought of any names yet?" Lyric enthusiastically asked. She was sitting on the ground at Lissa's feet playing dominoes with her sister.

Lissa beamed. The pregnant look was doing her good. She seemed more radiant and glowing them she had ever been before, which was shocking seeing as she had already been a bright person before the pregnancy.

"Uncle Christian and I haven't decided yet." Lissa smiled as she petted the top of Lyric's head.

"Is it a boy or a girl?" Lidiya chanted as she took the seat on the ground next to her sister. They both looked intrigued and curious. It made me smile. They were so much like me.

Lissa frowned, " Uncle Christian and I want it to be a surprise."

This received a numerous amount of complaining from Lyric and Lidiya who both were enthusiastic about knowing the gender of the baby.

Their ranting was interrupted by Adrian who was untying the apron around his waist and kneeling down to the girls, " How about you two help your mommy set the table like good little angels?"

Lyric and Lidiya frowned at the idea but both reluctantly left Lissa's side and started smoothing out the cloth tablecloth. Adrian straightened up and came over to seat himself next to me just as Christian brought over a steaming plate of ribs and corn on the cob. Both girls quickly passed out paper plates and forks before taking a seat at the little plastic table for both of them next the grown folks table.

The both were whispering and smiling and from what I could make out of their conversation they were coming up with their own list of names for the future baby. Christian served each and every one of us before kissing the top of Lissa's head and chewing down on his own dinner. We ate in silence listening to the girls argue about names.

"No Carolyn is much prettier then Madison." Lyric argued before dipping her cut up meat in BBQ sauce.

"I don't want it to be a girl. I want it to be a boy and I want them to name it David." Lidiya argued.

"Ew! David's an ugly name. If it's a boy they should name it Adrian like daddy." Lyric offered.

Lissa chuckled finally bringing us all back to reality, "They both seem excited about the baby."

I smiled, "They can't wait to have new playmates. It must get awfully tiring playing with your twin all the time."

Christian chuckled, " You mean partners in crime."

I smiled wider, " Actually you should listen to them. They have some very good name ideas."

Lissa giggled, " Christian and I already have some name ideas as well."

I leaned in intrigued, " Care to share?"

Lissa smiled, " Well for a boy we were thinking about naming it after Christian so we could have a junior around here but it's a girl we can't decide. I like the name Josselyn or Carolina."

Chirstian took over, " But I prefer the names Sierra or Innocence."

I grimaced. Name choosing had been just as difficult for me.

Lissa frowned, " How did you pick the girl's names?"

I swallowed the small bite I had taken, " I wanted to name them both with the same letter and I was having a tough time. So I sat there thinking how my life was sorta like a song. So from that I came up with the name Lyric and them I added Lissa for you. So then I was trying to stick with the um…Russian theme for at least one of them so I chose the Russian spelling of Lidiya and then chose Lily since I'm names after a flower as well. I know cheesy."

Lissa smiled, " I understand."

The group grew silent after that. Lissa had looked sympathetic when I had mentioned the Russian bit, but Adrian had seemed to grow uncomfortable. We finished our meal in silence. Adrian rose to clear our plates but he stopped midway. It was unlike Adrian so I followed his gaze out to the street was utterly shocked. A car had pulled up to the curb and two much unexpected people had stepped out of the car. Two people I had told myself I would never see again. None of the fairytales had ever prepared me for this. Because right in front of me stood two very fairytale related people. Tasha Ozera and Dimitri Belkov.

Please tell me your thoughts. And any suggestions for Lissa's baby?


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