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Regina had took her time walking to the tavern. She was so furious with her mother and needed a nice, long break from all of the drama back at the kingdom. Regina has never been a fan of drama. She always did her best to avoid it as much as possible, even as a child.

One morning when Regina was about 8 or 9 years old, she had went riding. She stopped at pond just before the woods so her horse could have a drink. While she was reaching into her satchel to grab her canteen, a rock had hit her square in the forehead. Her hand flew to the wound to rub and ease it while her neck snapped up to figure out where the rock had came from. When she looked up she instantly saw a short blonde girl, who looked about the same age as her, with an angry look on her face.
"This is my horses pond! No horse is allowed to drink from this pond but mine." The blonde girl said snarkly to Regina. Regina had noticed the small crested button on the girls cape. She was from the White's kingdom.
"My apoligies," Regina replied and turned to get back on her horse.
"Its 'my apoligies princess Emma' to you, peasant!" The small girl said back angrily at Regina. As bad as Regina wanted to smack the blonde across the face multiple times, she knew she would end up arguing with the girl and possibly end up in the kingdom prison. "My apoligies...princess Emma," the brunette corrected through gritted teeth and rode off on her horse.

When Regina reached the tavern she was more than eager to have a drink. She came in and all stared at her with wide eyes and tearor on their expression-filled faces. She walked up to a stool at the bar and sat next to a scruffy, dirty blonde man with an extremely large tattoo. She ordered her drink and turned to the man sitting next to her. Once she got a better glance she realized how attractive he was.
"Nice tattoo."
"Thank you m'lady," the kind gentleman said before sipping his beer.
"Why'd you get it?" She asked curiously, staring at it deeply for several seconds.
"It's my favorite animal. They're strong. They're fearless. Every being on the planet is afraid of them. It's like my spirit animal." He said with a small chuckle and another swig of his beer. The brunette laughed a small laugh and sipped her drink as well.
"I'm Regina Mills," she said introducing herself.
"I'm Darren. Darren Wilde." He replied with a smile.
"So are those the only reasons you got a shark tattoo on your bicep?" She chuckled quit hardly.
"I was drunk," he admitted. Their laughter filled the tavern for hours. After a while, Regina decided it was time for her to go back home.
"Leaving so soon?" Darren asked with a sad tone in his voice.
"Yes. I think I've had enough for the night. It was lovely meeting you," she replied with her words slightly slurred. She didn't let herself get drunk because she knew her mother would kill her if she did. She slipped of the stool and headed for the door. As she was walking out she bumped into a man walking in.
"Watch where you're goi- you're majesty. My apoligies," the mad said and bowed.
"It's quit alright. What is your name?" She asked with a small smile.
"Robin of Locksley," he replied with the same expression.
HAHAHAH GOTEEEEEMMM 😂😂 you totally thought the scruffy blondish man was Robin didn't you?! 😂😂😂 I really hope you enjoyed this chapter. Things are going to get really spicey really soon. Sorry if I made any mistakes! Im too lazy to go back and check haha. Love you guys! Comment and vote!

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