Ch 28: A Fox and a Liar...But not a Threat.

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Jinx POV:

I laughed holding out my crepe, "want a bite?"

Thanatos shook his head lightly opening the front door of my house.

I smiled licking at some whip cream, "I had fun today..thank you Than."

He gave be a tiny smile, nothing but a slight curve of the lips, " pleasure little fox."

I blushed lightly, "are you sure you're not hungry? I could make something..."

Shaking his head he took my by my free hand and led me to the living room, the house was quiet. I was happy for the privacy as I settled into the cushions.

Sitting beside me Thanatos was quiet as ever, it was nice in its on way but i wanted to learn about him. "Whats your favorite color?"


"yeah like do you like one more than others?"

"...I have grown a preference for red as of late."

I blushed again, touching my hair, "o-oh?"

He nodded, "you?"

"I like green, its pretty and subtle when it needs to be, startling when necessary."

"..what else do you like?"

I blinked, crap I wanted to know more about him, not just talk about myself. But...he looked genuinely curious, it was an expression I had never seen out of him. I liked it. "uhm...I like rabbits they are really cue, and I like comedies, action movies are cool, uhm indian food, I don't really know actually..what about you?"

"..I like you."

Bam! right through the heart. He didn't even hesitate, he just went with it, "o-oh? Well," I touched a strand of hair behind my ear suddenly and oddly shy, "I-I like you too."

His smile was bigger this time and it made my heart race. 

"Well this is sweet and all but he has a job to do. What in gods name are you doing cuddled up on a couch with a human when you should be working Thanatos?"

I looked up, shocked to see Micheal and a slightly amused Gabriel. Were we really all cuddled up?

Not the point Jinx! 

Thanatos was back to his usual emotionless self, " is allowed."

Michael snorted, "it was never even considered possible."

I frowned at the bible boys, "do you mind not appearing in my living room?"

Gabriel smiled sheepishly, "sorry banshee."

He was so not sorry.

Michael stared at me for a long moment, "What even is your fascination with her, she's like a devil with no figure."

My jaw dropped.

Thanatos seemed to bristle slightly, "...petite..has figure."

Gabriel snickered, "this is kind of worth having to deal with him."

The dark haired man smacked him over the head, blue eyes blazing, "If you did your job properly I wouldn't be here. And if Thanatos would just do his neither of us would be."

I sighed, it looked like our little date has to end, "Okay what does he need to do for you guys to leave?"

The two spoke as one, "His job!"

"Thanatos took the day off because I asked him to."

Gabriel looked utterly surprised while the ever present ass that was Michael glared at me, "Why would you do that?!"

I frowned, "i wanted to go on a date, you know that thing where people who are attracted to one another attempt to see if they have any sort of real connection?" Smirking peered at him through my lashes, "oh wait, you wouldn't understand, you have that stick up your ass keeping you company."

He glared even harder, "Well at least I know this won't be a recurring event."

Thanatos tossed in his two cents, "...why not?..does Jinx dislike me?"

How could I dislike that? I smiled at Thanatos, "I like you a lot Thanatos."

He gave a tiny nod, looking back at the bible boys, " problem."

Gabriel looked amused again, "Just do your job Thanatos. If you work you will be left to your own devices with her." He hesitated a moment, "after we figure out why she sees what she shouldn't and determine wether she is a threat."

"...not a threat...a fox and a liar...but not a threat."

I wasn't sure if I should be angry or happy with that statement.

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