New Life

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                                             ==This is over six months later==

***Terra's P.O.V.***

"Bryn! You forgot to unpack the paints!" I call, cutting the tape holding the box closed with my pocket knife. I lift the flaps of the box and take a quick inventory of the types and colors we have and that we'll need to order.

"Sorry! I got distracted with some things upstairs." The sound of my friend's hurried footsteps sounds through the almost empty building before she comes bounding to a stop next to me. I roll my eyes and hand her the box she should have unpacked an hour ago.

"I swear, sometimes working with you is like babysitting a toddler."

"Hey!" She playfully glares at me from over her shoulder as she moves towards the shelf holding the rest of the paint. "You're not always the easiest person to work with either. Your mind is sometimes on another planet."

"Touché." What she's referring to is me thinking of the time I spent in the spirit world. I'm probably the only person to ever die and come back with memories of where I was.

After finding my mate at the lake, we spent the longest time just holding each other by the water's edge, relishing the other's presence. When the sun started going down, we realized we had to get back to the house for the funeral. To say everyone was stunned is an understatement.

Most of the people freaked out, but Hayden ignored them all and pushed his way through the pack to give me a bone crushing hug. I fought the urge to wince in pain and hugged him back. After that, I was given time to clean up and get dressed.

The funeral went smoothly, but I felt horrible inside that I caused the fight. So many lost their lives, but as everyone interacted and told me how glad they were to see me alive, I didn't feel quite as bad. They didn't blame me.

The shock of my appearance had worn off and many settled down around me to hear my story. I told them everything, minus my heritage. The people listened with rapt attention, eager to hear about their Beta female.

Fast forward about a month, and I'm at a regular high school, going for my diploma. Aaron somehow convinced me to go to school, but because my tutors back at the castle made me learn just about everything, I was ahead of the curriculum. I ended up graduating early.

Bryn and I decided shortly after to open an art store. Aaron was hesitant because it's located in town and he can't keep an eye on me as easy as he wanted, but I can be very persuasive. I'm proud to co-own a store with my friend, finally able to do what I want without having someone tell me I can't.

Skye joined the pack the day Bryn decided she wasn't leaving. We're able to hang out a lot now, catching up with each other and me beating him up a few more times. It entertains the children and he still can't accept that I'm a better fighter then him I may have severely damaged his pride, but he'll get over it.

On the down side, Mel lost her baby. She didn't deserve for that to happen, but Jordan has been there for her. She's better now and planning a baby shower for Jess who is very, very pregnant. Jay, of course, constantly hovers which doesn't sit well with her. She always tells him she can take care of herself. On multiple occasions, I'll go downstairs to find him sleeping on the living room couch.

McKenna, Taylor, Morgan, her mate Adrian, Ian, Gena and her brother Brent all left after a few days here. It was nice to have some girl time with them before they went, but I'll miss them. I lived with them for so long, I might miss their bickering... or maybe I won't now that I think about it.

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