Chapter 20.

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It's been a while now and the sun is going down. Rebbie left after dinner and Joesph just left.
When I saw Cait with Jermaine, I got jealous. She's not my girl but I still got jealous.
"I think Cait and I will head to the rooms now."
"Wait, Care Bear one last question" my mother says to Cait,
"Yes? What is it Mama Bear?" she says winking.
I sit back down knowing it will probably be a question with a long answer.
"How's Anna?"
Everybody looks over at Cait waiting for her response, and we see her eyes tearing up.
Cait swallows hard before answering, her voice barely a whisper.
"Oh right, Anna. My mom. She uh, she died. When I was 19."
I watch as tears roll down her face and she quickly wipes them away.
"Darling I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to upset you-"
"No, Mama Jackson it's fine really! Please. I'm okay." Cait says smiling and standing.
"Okay baby. I'll see you tomorrow." my mother says giving a weak smile.
I stand up and wait for Cait by the door to go back inside. I watch as she says goodbye to everyone. Of course the last one to say goodbye is Jermaine, who takes her hand and kisses it before winking at her.
"Cait, hurry. We have to talk."
She walks back over to me and I lead her into my room locking the door behind me.
"Michael what-"
"What's with you and Jermaine?"
"Nothing. I don't know what your talking about." she says shaking her head.
"I don't want you to act like that around Jermaine. Or any guy. You hear me?"
"Michael I don't understand what your talking about or why you are so mad?"
I lean against the wall putting my arms out on either side of her head, shufting my weight on my hands.
Our faces are inches away from each other.
I swallow deciding if I should tell her,or not.
Tell her she's yours and yours only.
But she's not.,
"B-Because I want to keep you safe. I'm not saying from Jermaine, I'm saying from people who could hurt you, like Les did." I say half-lieing
"Awe. Michael that's so sweet. Thank you" she responds kissing my cheek softly.
I blush stepping away from her.
"I've got to unpack, and shower Michael. I'll see you later." she says yawning.
"Good night Caitlyn."
"Good night Michael."


Awee Michael got jealous. He's just protective. He's so shy. Haha I love you Michael, and I love my Moonwalkies. Have a great rest of the day my lovelies ~L.M.F.M <3


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