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Chapter Fourteen

Happy pulled up the long drive alongside Kozik, checking that Belle was still following behind him in her car and came to a stop outside the house that they were picking her dog up from.

Belle got out of her car just as Hap and Koz took their helmets off and got off of their bikes, pushing her sunglasses up on top of her head so that her hair was pushed back.

"Ready?" Koz asked as they saw trainer Chris walk round with the puppy on a black lead beside him.

"Yeah." Belle smiled as he pressed his hand to her lower back while Hap moved forward to greet Chris who handed him an envelope with all the puppy's papers and veterinary records before they were introduced.

Belle kneeled down letting the dog sniff her hand before he gave her a gently lick and she moved to scratch behind his little ears, in awe of how bright his green eyes were, and the small white patch on his belly.

"What are you going to name him?" Chris asked as he handed her the leash seeing how comfortable the dog was with her, immediately knowing it was a good fit, just as Hap's prepaid rang and he stepped away to answer.

"Gunner" She answered instantly as she stood back up, Gunner instantly leaning into her.

"We have to get going." Happy rasped out as Belle and Koz nodded.

"Thank you." Belle said before leading Gunner to her car, lifting him in and sitting him on the old blanket that she had sitting on the front seat, he instantly laid down and curled up.

"We've got to meet the club on the road." Hap rasped out as he opened her door for her, handing her the envelope.

"I have to stop at the pet store and then I'll head back to the clubhouse. Stay safe, both of you." She replied as they nodded before she got in, Hap closing the door for her before going to his own bike as Koz was already waiting on his.

Belle pulled out and turned the opposite way to Happy and Kozik as she headed back towards Charming, already making a list of what she needed to get from the pet shop. She drove with one hand on the steering wheel as the rested on the blanket, her fingers rubbing Gunner's paw as he laid looking up at her, occasionally giving her a little lick or nuzzling his wet nose into her hand.

She pulled into the pet store carpark, quickly parking and turning off her car as Gunner woke up, making a little whine as he did. She picked up her handbag, sliding it into her shoulder before she lifted Gunner into her arms and got out of the car, she closed the door before she put him down on the ground making sure the tatty leash and collar was secured before they walked into the pet store.

It hadn't taken long for Belle to gather up everything that Gunner needed and a lot of extras that she wanted to get him as they made their way through the store. She even managed to get him a new collar that matched his eyes with an engraved tag with his name on it, and a new black lead with grey stitching. After she'd paid for everything, and took it all out to her car with the help of one of the employees, and got herself and Gunner in the car, she headed for the clubhouse.


Gemma walked into the clubhouse knowing the men weren't far away after speaking to Clay, she'd spent the morning in the office dealing with the leftover paperwork from the last week. She smiled as she saw Belle laying on one of the couches with Gunner laying on her chest stroking him, as he kept lifting his oversized paw to her face and pressing his nose to her collarbone, making her laugh lightly, praising him.

"Hi baby." Gemma said catching Belle and Gunner's attention.

"Hi Gem. Thank you for last night." Belle said even though she knew she'd said it a few times.

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