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Chapter Thirteen

Gemma walked into the clubhouse with Luann a few steps behind her just before eight am on Belle's eighteenth birthday knowing it was also her last official night of living at the clubhouse as the previous day had been spent moving furniture into her new house, her new home.

As much as Belle had claimed not to want to celebrate her birthday, Gemma and Luann chose to ignore her completely and throw a party with even out of town patches and old ladies arriving later in the day and Luann was tasked with keeping Belle away from the clubhouse and getting her ready.

"I'll go get her up so she can get ready, remember you can't bring her back till at least eight tonight." Gemma told Luann as she dumped her bag on the bar before she walked through towards the dorm rooms.

Gemma knocked on the door before turning the handle and walking in, finding the bed empty and already made. She quickly checked the bathroom before walking back out, realising her car was gone after glancing up at the CCTV.

"She's not here." Gemma told Luann as she pulled out her phone and dialled her phone.

"Morning Gem." Belle answered.

"Morning baby, where are you?" Gem asked.

"Just in Main Street picking up some things and then I'm heading to my house for the day to finish unpacking and decorating. Is everything alright?" Belle replied.

"Everything's good Belle, I want you at the clubhouse by eight tonight though." Gemma told her sternly.

"Sure Gem, I'll be there." She replied knowing she couldn't get out of it if she wanted too.


Belle stood leaning against the bench as she had just finished hanging a few photos in her hallway as she waited for the kettle to boil to make a cup of green tea, knowing she still had to have a shower and get dressed up, knowing that Gemma had planned something for her birthday.

She looked round her immediate area and smiled as she realised for the first time in a long time, she was happy, truly happy. It had been a whirlwind six months but despite everything she wouldn't change ending up in Charming.

The kettle whistled, snapping her out of her thoughts and she quickly turned off the element and pouring the piping hot water into her mug, just as she heard the rumble of a lone Harley coming up her gravel drive, she instantly knew it was Juice. She left her mug and walked through the house to the door, opening the door and stepping out onto the deck. She watched as Juice parked beside her car, took his helmet off and then got off of his bike.

"Hi Juice." She said as he walked up to her, removing his gloves and putting them in his back pocket.

"Happy Birthday Belle." Juice said as he hugged her.

"Thank you. Come on in." She said as she walked in with him following behind.

"This place looks amazing Belle." He said smiling as they walked through to the kitchen.

"It's coming along. I've got beer, juice, water, coffee or tea?" She replied.

"Water thanks." He replied as she opened the fridge and got out a bottle, handing it to him then picking up her cup of tea.

"I know you don't want to celebrate but I got you something..." Juice trailed off as he reached into his kutte and pulled out a silver rectangular box, placing it in front of her.

"Juice..." She trailed off.

"Open it." He interrupted her.

He watched as she reached forward and grasped the box with both hands, opening it up and gasping.

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