"Do you know how to use a gun?"

She's eerily calm. I shake my head.

I had owned a BB gun when I was little but I've never even held a real gun. I curse myself for not going to the shooting range when my father had offered to take me.

She sheathes the dagger and inspects the gun. She closes her eyes, takes a deep breath, and then exhales. Lamenting my lack of gun knowledge? Seems that way. Irritated by that thought, I couldn't help retorting.

"Not everyone could be raised by guerrillas!"

Her aqua eyes glance at me sharply.

Quiet...got it.

"I don't know what's beyond those doors."

She gestures to the double doors on the other side of the room.

"Stay close to me. Do everything I tell you to. Do not argue with me. Not if you want to make it out alive. And if I say run then you will run as fast as you possibly can. Is that understood?"

"Yes, sir", I reply sarcastically.

Displeasure flares in her eyes but she said nothing. Astra gestures for me to follow her as she made her way to the double doors.

So no sense of humor....

"Who were those men who attacked me?"

It came out before I could stop myself. She replies without missing a beat.

"Extremists would be the most fitting description. But it's more complicated than that. I will explain everything in more detail once we reach the extraction point."

Extraction point?! Wait! Her terrorist buddies are coming to our rescue?! I had assumed that her plan to escape didn't involve her cell. Oh God! This is bad. I had planned to run away the moment I was out of danger...but other terrorists  would make my escape significantly more difficult.

"Wait here."

Cautiously, Astra slips though one of the double doors and vanishes.

Should I risk running now?

I walk over and examine the windows. Hmm...these aren't the kind of windows you can open. Breaking them would make too much noise and I had nothing to break it with. Going back the way I came isn't an option. Those gunmen might be there. I thought about the star emitting light. They should be blind by now. But I didn't know if there were more of them out there.

I walk back to the double doors and sat by it. Suddenly , I feel exhausted and morose. I'm stuck with Astra.

"Come on. We're running out of time."

Reluctantly, I follow her through the doorway. We enter a long and winding white hallway that is too quiet for my taste. It unnerves me. The air is thick with apprehension. Astra seems as uneasy as I am. Though she moves with the gait of someone who has done this many times before. Even the way she held her gun. She looked like a protagonist  straight out of "The Dead Are Among Us" franchise.

Why is she so edgy? Or maybe it's normal to be even with all her training. I don't know. I've never gone through this before.

...My lost memories...maybe I have....

We reach the end of the hallway. I see the bright red letters over a door.


Astra crouches down by the door.

"As long as you follow my instructions, we'll make it out alive."

I nod my head. I feel like vomiting even though my stomach was empty.

"Don't worry, Conrad. I promise that I'll protect you."

I don't know why but it sounded and felt reassuring. As little sense as it made I sense her sincerity. Would she really die for me? Either answer somewhat terrified me.

"Hopefully, the extremists are about to catch up to us."


"...and why would we want that?"

"To distract the CIA."


"What do you mean the CIA?"

Astra peeks out the door. She looks at me slightly confused.

"You haven't noticed?"

I taste bile in my mouth. I'm almost afraid to ask. I didn't have to. Astra answered the question I dreaded to ask.

"You've had a CIA tail on you for months."

Shit! No, no, no!

I feel a warm pressure on my wrist and I wasn't able to dwell on this sorrowful revelation for long.

"Stay close", she whispers.

I feel the wet gust as she pulls me forward and we rush out the exit.

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