Chapter 1~Star

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     "Can't anybody love you more than God. Always remember that sweet pea and I will always be here with you forever in your heart." I listened as my mom took her last breath in the hospital bed right before she died of cancer. I didn't cry. It's not like I was too mad or too sad to do it, I knew that this day would come so I prepared myself for it. "Hey Star, you ready to go to Miami now?" Tiwan said while peeping his big grey eyes in the small hospital room. "Nah not yet Tiwan I have to take care of some business before I leave. Take me to the house then we'll go." Before we left the hospital we both said our last goodbyes to our now dead mother. It wasn't necessary for us to go to her funeral. Everyone would be crying so we both just decided to skip that depressing shit and keep our lives moving.
     Tiwan and I left the hospital and I got into the passenger side of his grey dodge car. Even though we aren't related and I'm older than him, Tiwan is like a big brother to me. We grew up together. He has always been there for me and I have always been there for him. I have to admit it though, he is a fine 5'9 guy with dark smooth chocolate skin and a sculpted perfect body with lady killer grey eyes. He is a one of a kind sixteen year old guy that you don't come across too often. Me on the other hand, I'm just not interested. I'm not gay or anything I just choose not to be in a relationship. I don't have a problem with gay people either. They're really nice people. It's just niggas are sneaky, lie, cheat and just want to fuck. A boss bitch like me don't have time for petty games like that. I've been there and done that. Now it's all about my money, so fuck all that love shit. Basic clueless females can have their hearts broken by bullshit like that.
     As Tiwan pulled up to our soon to be old home, I loaded my white hand pistol and told him to give me a good five minutes. Walking on the messed up concrete pathway that ended towards the steps of an old dirty looking house, I wasn't hesitant at all about the shit I was about to do. I pushed open the the dirty white front door and stepped inside into the living room. Trash was everywhere and it just looked unfit to live in. I looked to my right and seen his drunk ass laying on the black leather couch with his mouth wide open and drooling with saliva.
     I sat on a glass coffee table that was arm length away from the couch he was asleep on. I hated this nigga with a pure passion even though he was my dad. He beat me, called me names, and put Tiwan and I through a lot while growing up, but this was the day that shit ceased. He was a scrawny hideous fourty-three year old man with some grey hairs in his beard. Joseph King wasn't always like this. When I was little he was actually nice and that father figure in my life. He took Tiwan and I to parks and swimming and gave us piggy back rides. He actually looked handsome. That was until mom got diagnosed with cancer when I was twelve. When I turned thirteen I started to run the streets to get the respect I deserved with Tiwan right by my side. By fourteen I had the whole city of Atlanta on lock. Now at sixteen years old I'm taking my business to Miami. Most kids plan on being doctors or lawyers when they grow up, but I plan on becoming the biggest drug Goddess of the South and I will stop anyone who comes in my way.
     "Why the fuck you standing over me bitch? You act like you ain't never see a nigga sleep before." With that foul shit said I stood up and aimed my gun at his head.

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