Chapter Seventeen, part two - Homecoming

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"Welcome to Castillon-by-the-sea, my dear."

"It's a fitting name." She could say no more.


After riding for another few hours, watching the ocean on their left as they passed, Liriel noticed it was mostly dry, rocky land sparsely covered with shrubs and stunted pines. Below the cliffs on which they rode, she could see leagues of empty sand beach, bright as her hair in the midday sun.

They rode up to the mouth of the river, Eraldis, where a torrent of icy waters fed by mountain streams became a wide, lazy waterway that drained out into the ocean, stirring up mountains of brown silt as it mixed salt water with the fresh.

Across the river, the cliffs became grassy hills instead of a stony cliff face. Ramshackle huts huddled by the water's edge. Larger, better appointed houses perched on the tops of the sandy hills above them. On the highest rise, with the forest closing in around it, stood one large, sprawling villa encircled by stone walls.

"Wrap your hair in a scarf. I don't want people to notice that you're Hilliri until I've had a chance to explain." Liriel could sense Lorenzo's tension. He had become more anxious as they approached the town. She wondered if they would know, since she was likely one of the smallest woman they would have ever seen.

"You know, not all Trillas are as tall as I am." Lorenzo spoke into her ear. "Don't worry. Many are shorter, and although Castillonians are dark, northerners are paler, and sometimes fair haired like you. Here, your colouring will give you away at once, though."

She wondered if he had heard her thought, but dismissed the idea. "How do we cross the river?"

"Over there," Lorenzo pointed upstream a way. There was a bridge made of bundled timbers that crossed the river before it became too broad to span. There was a road leading up to the bridge on each side of it. Lorenzo turned the horse inland in that direction.

Crossing the bridge was a disconcerting feeling. Liriel could see the water underneath her as is flowed passed. The planks of its surface were spaced somewhat apart. Lorenzo explained this was to allow the rain to drain out.

When they finally reached the wooden gates of the stone fence, they dismounted. The butterflies that were fluttering about in Liriel's stomach flipped about with renewed enthusiasm. Lorenzo squeezed her hand as they waited for a young man to unlatch the gate and swing it open. When he saw Lorenzo he quickened his pace. As they led the horse through the opening, the servant bowed several times, then took the reins.

Lorenzo led Liriel into the large house. It was built on a grand scale, impressive even to her, who had lived in a palace all of her life.

"It's bigger than I had expected," she whispered.

Lorenzo leaned over to reply. "The high ceilings are to accommodate the tall occupants." They chuckled.

The comment eased Liriel. What happened here next was important.

Another servant, this one better dressed and groomed, approached. His hair was iron gray and his face lined and weathered. Liriel stared at him. She had never seen any old Trillas, and this one was obviously ancient.

"Pagolo, I'm back, and hoping to see my father. Where can I find him?"

The old man bowed slightly and sighed. "Welcome master Lorenzo. Lord Carlosi is in the main hall. It's the time for reviewing disputes."

Lorenzo nodded. "Is he almost finished?"

"I believe he is seeing the last supplicant now. It should only be a matter of minutes. Why don't you and your companion wait in the drawing room and I'll tell him you're here as soon as he's done."

Lorenzo leaned over conspiratorially. "How is his mood, Pagolo?"

The old man lifted his bushy brows and let them settle again.

"I see," said Lorenzo.

They waited over an hour for Lorenzo's father. Liran fussed and had to be fed, but Liriel was so anxious about the meeting, her worry transferred to him, and he ate restlessly. She kept him soothed by bouncing and rocking him. The last thing she wanted, was to meet her new father-in-law with a screaming baby in her arms.

Finally, Liriel heard the sound of footsteps coming down the hall, and the door opened.

An old man, not quite as lined as the ancient Pagolo, walked in and scanned the room. From his fine clothing and the pinched look of importance on his face, Liriel assumed this must be Lord Carlosi. He frowned, making the lines around his mouth appear even deeper.

"Lorenzo, boy, what are you doing here? I sent you to lead the soldiers in battle."

Liriel was getting used to wrinkled old men. There appeared to be a lot of them here. She kept her hair and face wrapped in a shawl as she waited in the far corner of the room. She wanted Lord Carlosi to notice his son first, allowing Lorenzo time to tell their story before he detected her.

"Well, boy. Answer me. What are you doing here?"


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