Chapter Eight Part Two

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Liriel stood at the door of her father's suite with Selana by her side. Her palms sweat and her heart pounded as she waited to be let in.

A servant in King's livery opened the door. The man sniffed as he looked at the two of them with obvious contempt, but Liriel had known this man all her life, and knew the gesture was only a front for his soft heart.

"He's waiting in his study. I don't need to tell you that he's in quite a mood."

Liriel looked wide-eyed at her sister. 

"I tried, Liri, I really did. It wasn't easy to get him to calm down a little."

"What do you think he'll do?"

Selana shrugged. "Who knows. Be thankful you are his daughter. At least he will likely spare you from the worst options for that reason alone."

Liriel had her doubts. For as long as she could remember, her father had always been a hard man.

The old servant pushed the heavy door of the study open and waved them inside. King Tarkhan Godehera stood with his back to them, staring at the portrait of her mother above the mantle. His body looked stiff, as if he fought off every emotion that came to him with his muscles. Selana always said that he had once been warmer, kinder, but had become like a stone after their mother died. It terrified Liriel to think that he seemed colder than usual. 

She hung her head, clasped her hands in front of her and waited to be spoken to. Contrition, she chanted to herself. Apologize as if you really mean it, was Selana's advice, because your life depends on it.

Her father turned abruptly. His face was unreadable. He stared without comment for a long time, then sat down at his desk. He shook his head then looked up at her. 

"What have you to say for yourself?"

Liriel stepped forward. "I'm sorry, Father." Less words was better.

He tapped his fingers against the dense wood of the desk as if he was thinking. A scraping signaled the door opening again, and Valran stepped in.

"Excuse me for being late. There was some trouble in the barracks."

"Yes, yes, having difficulty with discipline in the ranks, as usual." The King rolled his eyes. "We were discussing what to do with my errant daughter now that she has returned with her tail hanging between her legs."

Liriel flushed at the comment. Her father likening her to a dog. Her cheeks burned. She set her jaw to curb her impulse to speak.

Valran crossed his arms and grinned. "Now who is having disciplinary issues in his ranks." 

"Don't be saucy." 

It shocked Liriel that Valran had spoke so offhandedly. No one was saved from their father's ire, especially when he was already aggravated by this situation. 

The King pursed his lips, nodded his head as if he had decided something, then took a deep breath. "Liriel, I've had enough of your flighty behaviour. It's time you got married and settled down." He riffled through some papers on his desk until he found what he was looking for. It was a small sheet with a list of names on it. He handed it to her.

Liriel glanced down the page at the spidery cursive. Not her father's hand. Someone else had compiled this list. She looked up from the paper to her father. "Eligible bachelors of appropriate station for my consideration?" She couldn't help the derision that crept into her tone. He didn't even have the consideration to make up the list himself.

The King stood and leaned over his desk, tapping the page. "You will take the next three weeks to consider each of these names and pick one. I will schedule a celebration for a month's time. Make sure there is a bridegroom to attend, or I'll change my mind and select a harsher choice for you."

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