Chapter Thirteen Part Two - A Dangerous Path

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Dusk rolled in quickly in Alterra. Once the sun had passed its zenith, the daylight dissipated in less than an hour.

"It's best that we travel by dark. We can reduce chances of discovery." Ergin had wrapped his thin frame in a warm cloak. The colourful weaves of the Alterrans would at least not strike the Castillonians as being Hilliri at first glance. The subtle tones used in Kalad spoke of a different origin to these hot colours of orange, pink and bright green. Liriel wondered if they should do more to misdirect, perhaps add a few bright ribbons around their wrists, but perhaps less was always better.

"Keep to the shadows and be careful. I won't forgive you for getting yourself killed." Adina chuckled at her warning to her husband, though she stared hard into his eyes for a long while after.

"I promise I will return."

Somehow Liriel felt certain that Ergin could look after himself, even under such a dangerous circumstances.

They left, heading out into the dark as the stars began to light the way. The Hilliri called themselves the people of the stars, for they saw well in the night and enjoyed the late hours, often staying awake until dawn.

They walked slowly, Ergin setting a relaxed pace for Liriel's short legs and gravid condition. She had recovered well from her earlier wanderings, but was glad for the slow gait. It would be several hours before they had to be cautious.

"What possessed you to take a Trillas man as your lover. I'm not being judgmental, but I wondered how you came to see him as someone you could love."

A smile crept over Liriel as she stepped slowly along. "I'm so tired of people judging each other. They were always talking about the Trillas like they were more beast than person, but when I healed Lorenzo of the terrible wounds my brother and his soldiers inflicted on him, I realized he was made exactly the same as we are. He has a heart that beats to the same rhythm and is located in the same place in his chest. His body works precisely as ours do. Our differences with the Trillas are minor and superficial. Colouring and height hardly matter at all. Do you think you're better than me because your eyes are more green and mine more blue?"

In the dark she couldn't see too much of Ergin's expression, but she caught the sound of a sigh. She could tell he shook his head. He paused for a moment, and she followed suit. He turned to face her. The spot where they rested was clear of branches and the starlight beamed down, lighting his pale features.

"I never thought of it that way. We're all a little bit different from one another, and the Trillas are just a bit more so, I guess." He hesitated for a moment, looking up into the sky. "How do you account for the difference in life-span, though? Aren't you worried that you'll outlive him by many years?"

Liriel shrugged automatically. Ergin wouldn't see it, but she didn't care. She never had.

"I love him. I wouldn't ever want anyone else. I didn't even think about the future when I decided that. I was content to think it wouldn't last, but it was an experience I couldn't turn from. If we weren't going to be together in the future, I would be able to accept that outcome. I was ready to give up on marriage to anyone."

Ergin stepped forward and Liriel followed. "You're braver than most, Liriel Godehera. I've lived with Adina for so long, yet I don't even know if I could exist without her. She's so much a part of me now."

"I realized I would be alone in the end. Yet I will always carry Lorenzo's love with me. I just hope it will be enough when he's gone."

They continued along a forest path for about an hour, speaking only occasionally. The second hour the forest dropped away and they walked more carefully along a rough road, one that appeared to be little used and much over grown. Ergin stopped now and then to check his bearings, but he seemed to know his way.

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