Chapter Sixteen, Part One - Negotiations

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Valran ordered Liriel and the others escorted to an empty tent furnished with a few cots and chairs. They settled there and a few minutes later, a soldier brought them food and wine. It was decent fare for a campsite. Liriel assumed it was from Val's private stores. Lorenzo remained hunched and covered up. He couldn't afford to let his guard down. When he spoke, he was careful to pitch his voice low and soft, so that he would appear more like the Hilliri.

"You say he agreed to meet with me?" He shook his head.

"Yes, love. I spoke with him at length. He is stricken with grief for the death of his beloved in one of your raids, but I convinced him that showing anger was not the right way to start a peace negotiation. Hatred will not make him happier in the end."

Lorenzo hung his head. "That's going to make things difficult. It's bad enough that you ran away with me. He has no reason at all to want to listen to me."

"You'll have to bridge the gap by showing remorse for your earlier actions, no matter how justified they have been," said Ergin.

"I suppose you're right." Lorenzo kept an eye on Liriel and the baby while he spoke. "I would do anything, though, to ensure their safety and happiness."

Ergin's eyes glittered.

Adina directed her gaze at Liriel. "I'm worried, though. Liriel said that her brother would be hard to convince. Don't you think he's come over to our side too fast?"

"I would have thought so, but in his state of grief, Val's emotions are running high. I felt that my appeal spoke to his better nature and won out."

Adina tilted her head. "I hope so."

"Either way, we are here and must make the best of things," Ergin said.

A servant poked his head through the tent opening.

"Prince Valran is ready to speak with you. All of you may come."


They were led back to Valran's spacious tent. This time there were several soldiers guarding the opening and inside, as well as servants providing wine. Chairs had been set out in a circle.

Valran looked better. The darkness that encircled his eyes had lightened somewhat. Liriel led Lorenzo directly to him, still bowed over.

"Brother, do I have your word that my people are safe here? They have come in good faith to treat with you for peace."

Valran waved at the soldiers standing in the tent. They moved to the back, out of the way. Lorenzo stepped forward, still hunched and covered.

"Prince Valran Gohedera, I present to you my husband, Lorenzo Calimero of Castillon." She gripped Lorenzo's hand, waiting to see how her brother would respond.

Lorenzo removed his hood and rose up to his full height. Valran stepped back a pace as Lorenzo's height overshadowed him, but Val's face remained impassive. This was not a reaction she would have expected. Liriel could feel the soldiers in the tent stiffen in response.

She turned to Ergin. "This is Ergamin Lotreah. He is a painter and one of the settlers who have come to live inside Castillon, and his wife, Adina, who is a Marulan." Adina gave a slight courtesy and Ergin bowed. Valran nodded to them and returned his gaze to Lorenzo.

"I wish to begin with an apology, Lord Valran." Lorenzo spoke in the most eloquent tone.

"I'm listening." Valran's manner was clipped and stiff, his face bleached whiter than usual. Liriel could hardly have expected warmth from him. At least he was listening.

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