‘I don’t need your approval.’ He looked away from my face. ‘Do you want me to explain the rest?’

‘Sure: talk,’ I said lightly, trying to appear aloof instead of fascinated.

‘You said I treat you in two different ways. Amazing and like a piece of dirt.’

‘Under your expensive, polished shoes,’ I verified with a small smile.

‘Right.’ He grinned. ‘Well, I treat you like you are amazing because you are.’ He closed his eyes, his head in his neck. I held my breath, hoping he’d elaborate on that. ‘You’re one of a kind. The only female vampire ever.’ Not what I’d hoped to hear, obviously. ‘And you are the hottest girl in school.’ His wide grin made me smile, too. ‘As for the bad treatment… You are a difficult girl, Demona. I don’t know how to act around you. You get offended about little things, and you accept big flaws in my character like they’re nothing… I don’t get you and that infuriates me.’ His eyes were open now, blazing. ‘You awaken the worst and the best parts in me alike.’

We gazed into each other’s eyes for a few intent moments. I didn’t seem able to look away from the darkness that was visible in his eyes as well as around him, shimmering like a cloak. After countless minutes, he scraped his throat and smiled at me. ‘I believe your next questions were about Holden and Kevin?’

I blinked, recalling what we’d been talking about. ‘That’s right.’

‘Well, Holden first then.’ His eyes narrowed, his face went rigid. ‘That was simply because he treated you like you are just some easy girl. He’s an idiot.’

‘I won’t argue with that, but you didn’t need to interfere.’ I said, taken aback by his seriousness. ‘I can handle myself.’

‘I know. But I couldn’t let him do that… I had to step in…’ His eyes glazed over, he was probably recalling that particular day. ‘And I’m not sorry about that.’

‘But you are sorry about punching Kevin?’ I asked sternly. He had to be – it was inexcusable.

‘I am sorry it upset you,’ he admitted. Not quite the same as being sorry about actually punching him, but it was something. ‘I never intended for you to get involved in any way,’ he continued.

‘Why did you punch him?’ I asked, curious but still severe.

Eros grimaced. ‘Because he asked you out when I’d specifically told him not to.’

I gasped. ‘W-what? Are you insane?’

‘It was only because I was afraid you would say yes to him,’ Eros justified, as if that changed everything. ‘And judging by the look on your face, you almost did.’

I shoved backwards when he reached for me. ‘Stay away from me,’ I warned. ‘You’re a madman. You can’t go around punching guys that ask me out. Besides, if you’d punch anyone, it would make more sense for you to punch Simon as he’s the one that’s actually taking me.’

‘He’s no threat,’ he assessed lightly. ‘You don’t want him that way. I can tell.’

I recalled the warm hug Simon had given me just before we’d parted ways tonight and I realized I wasn’t so sure about that anymore. Sure, he was my friend and I liked him in a non-romantic way. But… Well, I just thought Eros might be wrong. Maybe. Sort of.

I swallowed, trying to store my thoughts about Simon away for later. ‘Still, you could have asked me yourself.’

His eyes widened. If I wasn’t mistaken, he was dumb-struck. ‘And you would have considered going with me to the dance?’

I played with the idea of Eros leading me into a darkened room where many of my classmates were dancing. It didn’t revolt me like I’d expected it would. ‘Before we got into fights in which you controlled my mind on purpose, I might have considered it. I might have even said yes.’

He closed his eyes for a second, sighing. ‘Well, it’s a bit late for that now, isn’t it?’

I laughed harshly. ‘I’m more likely to go with that idiot Holden than with you.’

Eros smiled tightly, pretending not to be offended. ‘Well, then I guess I should be glad Simon’s taking you. At least I won’t have to worry about you going somewhere private with him to do things I don’t even want to think about.’

‘Why does it bother you so much?’ I asked suddenly, leaning toward him. Why was he so interested in me?

‘I don’t know,’ he confessed. ‘You confuse me. I’m not in love with you, if you think that’s it. I don’t even think I’m capable of that. But you are… strangely fascinating to me.’

‘Okay…’ I wanted to get into why he thought he wasn’t capable of love, but I was pretty sure he’d shut down altogether and I didn’t want that. ‘Well, there is only one more thing you need to explain now.’

He rolled his eyes. ‘You are talking about the way I treat your dear friend? That’s simple. He’s a male fairy. And he’s hanging out with the most desirable girl I know. That’s infuriating. And it’s funny to make him mad.’ He grinned, his eyes twinkling. ‘He’s awkward when he’s mad. Like he can do anything to change the way everyone treats him. Like he could ever defend you against the horny guys around here.’

I got up and picked up my brush. ‘Well, as you’re being mean about my best friend again, I think this is the best time to end this conversation. Let’s get to work.’

Eros didn’t say anything, but he picked up his own brush and helped me paint the walls. Just before we parted ways when we were finished, he caught my wrist and forced me to look him in the eye. ‘I trust you to act like this all never happened.’

I raised my eyebrows. ‘Like what never happened? Like we never painted a room? Sure, no biggie.’

He grunted. ‘You’re impossible.’

I smiled sweetly. ‘Better remember that, God of Love.’

He rolled his eyes at Mr. Hammerhead’s nickname for him. ‘See you later, newbie. Sleep tight. And give the fairy my regards. Or a kick in the face, your choice.’

‘I will act like I didn’t hear the last part,’ I sighed in annoyance. ‘Bye now.’

I didn’t tell Simon about what had happened with Eros. I just didn’t think he’d understand. Because no matter how many things Eros had done that weren’t right, I believed every single word he’d spoken tonight. Simon would only tell me he was playing me and I didn’t feel like arguing tonight. Maybe tomorrow. Although I doubted I’d ever tell him about this. It was the first thing – aside from Kevin asking me out – I wasn’t telling him. It didn’t feel right, but I didn’t feel like I had another choice.

He was still my best friend. And the way he looked at me when he opened the door for me made me think about what Eros had said again. You don’t want him that way. I didn’t think he was wrong, exactly. I just thought he might be proven wrong in the future. Maybe. Kind of.




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Create Space: https://www.createspace.com/4799393

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Supernatural Boarding School #1 - A Bond of Love ✅जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें