2 - Really? - Dan

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I wake up as I feel someone climb into bed.
"Hey." I mutter to Blossom.
"Hey, sorry to wake you."
"It's okay." I wrap my arms around her waist and kiss her forehead. "What time is it?"
"7:38. Ellie started crying." Bo explains. I just nod and close my eyes again with no intention of falling asleep.
"Okay. When do you have your appointment?" Today we are finding out the gender of our second baby.
"1 o'clock."
"I still think it's gonna be a boy."
"But Ellie was a big baby, so why wouldn't this one be?" Blossom still thinks our baby is going to be a girl.
"I just know these things. It's gonna be a Reece."
"Nope, Millie."
"Millie." I say, smirking.
"Reece, wait, damn it!" Blossom laughs.
"Okay, we may as well get up." I suggest.
"Yeah, I'll make breakfast. What do you want?" I raise my eyebrows at her. "Right, the normal."
"Yup." I laugh. "I love you."
"I love you too." Blossom smirks.

"Ellie, come on, please love!" I try to get Ellie to stay still.
"El, if you stay still, I'll get you an ice-cream." Bo promises.
"Ice-cream?" Ellie laughs.
"Yeah, so stay still for Daddy." Ellie sits still so I can finally get her shoes on. I stand up and take Ellie's hand, bending over quite a bit.

"Ready to find out if you're having a baby brother or sister?" I grin at Ellie.
"Yes!" Ellie whoops. Blossom giggles. I park and open my door. I open Ellie's door and unclip her from her chair.
"Come on then you!" I groan while lifting her out of the car seat and resting her on my hip.
"Still think it's gonna be a boy?" Bo asks, raising her eyebrows.
"Yup, dad instinct." I smirk.
"Okay." She laughs. We walk into the doctors. I sit down and sit Ellie on my lap while Blossom signs in.

"Blossom Howell?" We stand up and follow the doctor to her office. "Lay on the bed please." Bo does as she's told and lifts up her top. "Do you think it's a girl or a boy?" Dr Mann asks as she spreads the gel over her stomach.
"I think a girl, but Dan thinks it's a boy." Blossom answers.
"Boy!" Ellie giggle. I laugh and bounce her on my knee.
"See, Ellie agrees with me!"
"What would you call the baby?"
"Millie Jane Howell if she's a girl, and Reece James Howell if he's a boy." I answer.
"Get ready for a little Reece then!" Dr Mann smiles.
"I told you!" I chuckle at Blossom.
"Really? Dad instincts wins." Bo laughs as she wipes off the gel.

"Megan has made dinner." Bo mentions.
"They're still there?" I laugh.
"Amazingly so."
"What did she make?"
"Yum." I say as I park the car.
"Yeah." Bo opens her door and gets out. As I get out she gets Ellie out of the car seat. I open the door and Megan bounces up to me like a dog. Tessa follows soon after. I bend down to stroke Tessa.
"Girl or boy!" She demands.
"Boy." Bo grins as she walks in the door.
"Aww! Call him Brian!" Megan squeals.
"No, his name is Reece." I chuckle. I stand Ellie on her feet. She wonders off to the lounge. I stand up as Megan throws her arms over us and hugs us. She can't really reach my shoulders; she come up to my armpit; so she just clings to my arm. I laugh and pat her back awkwardly.
"Dinner is in the lounge, Phil is probably in there with Taylor." Megan says once she lets go of us. I nod and walk into the lounge. Phil has Taylor cradled in his arms and is looking at her with so much love. I sit next to him.
"Hey." I say softly.
"Oh, hey." Phil answers. Ellie waddles to me. I pick her up and sit her on my lap. "Girl or boy?" He asks, turning to face me.
"Boy." I grin.
"Yes! I have a picture!" Megan announces triumphantly. She's taken a picture of Phil and I.
"Meg!" Phil groans.
"This ones going on Twitter." I roll my eyes and pick up my plate.

"Dan? Can you do the dishes?" Bo calls from the kitchen.
"Okay." I lift El off my lap and grin at Phil. Blossom has her back turned to me, so I wrap my arms around her waist. I kiss her neck tenderly. "I love you."
"I love you too." Bo turns around and kisses me softly. I let her out of my grasp and start to wash up.
"Dada!" Ellie gurgles from below me. I glance down and see Ellie standing in between my legs.
"What are you doing there, love?" I laugh. I take off the washing up gloves and pick her up.
"I'm a aeroplane." She grins proudly. I tuck Ellie under my arm and spin her around like she is flying. Once I start getting dizzy I slow down and raise Ellie above my head. Her big green eyes sparkle as I lower her back on to my hip.
"You two are so cute." Bo remarks, leaning on the door frame.
"Thank you." I beam. Blossom walk toward us and pecks my lips.
"I was looking for you, Missy!" Bo tickles Ellie stomach and takes her from my hold. "Put the rest in the dishwasher." I nod and quickly do that. Once I finish I walk back into the lounge. Ellie is sucking her thumb while cuddling up to Bo. I sit next to Ellie and put my arm over Bo's shoulders. Megan is cradling Taylor while Phil is falling asleep; he must be on nights. Blossom put Aladdin on, as it's Ellie's favourite movie, as it was mine.

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