1 - Fighting - Blossom

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(A/N- This is the sequel to 'My Light', please read it if you haven't.)

~2 years later~

"For fucks sake!" Dan yells.
"Mind your language!" I shout back, covering Ellie's ears. Dan has been stressed out about YouTube a lot nowadays.
"I don't care!" He screams back.
"Oh so you don't care about me? Or your own daughter? What a great human you are!" I cry. "I though you loved me Dan... Where did the Dan I love go?" I pick up Ellie and run to Ellie's bedroom.
"Wait, Blossom..." I hear Dan whimper. I put Ellie in her cot and sit against the door. I hang my head and let out cries.
"Where did we go wrong?" Salty tears run down my face. I pick up my phone and text Megan.
B- Me and Dan had another fight
M- What about? Where are you?
B- YouTube has been stressing him out and he swore in front of Ellie, then practically says he doesn't care about me or Ellie. I'm in Ellie bedroom.
M- oh, hunny, should I come pick you up? You and Ellie can stay here for a day
B- I think I'll stay here. Thank you though
M- Okay, stay strong, Bo xx
B- Thanks, Meg xx

I sigh as I put my phone down.
"Blossom, I'm sorry, I really am. I do love you and Ellie, it's just my work is stressing me out. I do care about you both. Please, forgive me?" Dan cries from the other side of the door.
"I don't know... This is happening too often... I'm just scared. We are expecting another kid, I can cope, but can you?" I sigh. I'm 4 months along now.
"I can! I just need to get my job straight."
"But Dan, I'm a YouTuber too, I have stress but now I'm just scared."
"Of what?" Dan whispers.
"Of you, of YouTube, of everything. I just can't concentrate." I hear him take a breath in. He starts to cry. "I'm sorry."
"No, I'm sorry." Dan sniffs. I open the door. He stands up. His eyes are red and puffy, obviously regretting what he did. I let out a whimper. My arms snake around his waist. Dan wraps his arms around my neck and pulls me close. I rest my head on his chest and cry. Dan rests his chin on my head and sighs.

About an hour later, we are sitting downstairs in the lounge. Ellie is asleep in her room, so we are just watching a movie huddled together.
"Do you remember when we found out you were pregnant with Ellie?" Dan asks.
"Of course." I mutter.
"I was so happy. I was over the moon. And I felt like something clicked; like I found a piece of a jigsaw. I promise on my life I still love you as much as I did back then, maybe more. I'll try and be a better dad and husband." Dan promises. I sniff as tears well up in my eyes.
"It's okay, I forgive you."
"Thank you." He presses his lips against mine.
"I love you."
"I love you too." Dan promises.

I yawn as I wake up. I'm guessing I fell asleep on the couch. Dan must have put a blanket over me. Sweeping my hair out of my face, I stand up. I hear Ellie laughing upstairs, so slowly I make my way up the stairs. Dan is in his underwear, holding Ellie.
"Hi." I mutter.
"Hey." Dan smiles, turning around to face me. I rest my head on his chest and let Ellie grasp my finger. I look up at Dan. He leans down and kisses me softly. "I love you."
"I love you too, Bear." I smile.
"Mama!" Ellie squeals.
"Yes, hun?"
"I'm hungry." Ellie can talk pretty well for her age.
"Okay, come here." I say, taking Ellie from Dan. I regret saying that Dan didn't care about us because I can tell from the way he looks at Ellie that he would sacrifice himself for her. Dan exits the room and heads down stairs.

"Thanks for tidying up." I thank Dan.
"You're welcome." I kiss his cheek and go to the lounge to check on Ellie. When she sees me, she gets up and stammers towards me.
"Hey, pretty girl!" I smile, picking Ellie up.

Ring ring.

The doorbell. I place Ellie on my hip and make up way to the door.
"Bo!" Megan smiles as I open the door.
"Hey, Megan! What are you doing here?" I laugh.
"Just stoping by." Megan admits, but I can tell she wants to see if I'm okay. "Hey! Ellie! How are you, sweetie. Can I hold her?"
"Sure." I hand Ellie to Megan. I see Phil struggling with their pram. I laugh and shake my head as I run out to help.
"Hey, Phil." I chuckle.
"Oh, hey, Blossom." Phil smiles.
"Want some help?"
"Please." I open the pram up and lock the joints in place.
"Thanks! I don't think I'll ever get used to the feeling of being a dad..."
"Same here, well, a mum, but still." I mutter. "Phil, you know you could have just got the basket."
"Oh, right." He turns a bright shade of red. I pack up the pram and find their basket. Phil gets out Taylor. I hold out the basket for Phil to put little Taylor in. "Thanks."
"No problem. Should we go in? It's getting cold." I suggest.
"Yeah." I lead the way back into the house. After I shut the front door, I hug Phil.
"I haven't seen you in a long time!" I exclaim.
"It's only been a week."
"That's a long time." I pout. Phil giggles and hugs me again.
"All better?"
"Yeah." I giggle.
"You are weird for a 23 year old." Phil remarks, following me into the lounge.
"You are weird for a 31 year old. (HOLY SHIZ NUGGETS ((noo that's next year)) )" I fire back.
"Shh." Phil smirks.
"Dan's in the kitchen, if you want to see him." Phil nods and walks away, leaving Taylor next to me. I take her out and sit her on my lap. She doesn't talk as much as Ellie, though she's only 4 months younger. Megan and Phil are very protective of her, which I can understand from the miscarriage.
"Hey." Megan smiles, sitting down next to me.
"Mummy, Auntie Bo." Taylor stutters. That's about all she'll say for the hour.
"Hello, baby." Megan grins, taking her from me gently.
"Oh, I'd better see if Dan is okay."
"Okay, where's Ellie?"
"Probably with her daddy." I answer. I walk into the kitchen. Phil is talking to Dan quietly.
"You need to treat her better, Dan. She's your wife." I hear Phil say.
"I know, I'm thinking of quitting YouTube." Dan hangs his head low.
"Just take some time off, like a month or something."
"Yeah, okay. Thanks." I slip into the hall way, then walk in louder. The boys separate when they hear me.
"Hey, what are you two gossiping about?" I ask, acting cluelessly, even though the tears in Dan's eyes are visible.
"Stuff, jobs, life. That stuff." Dan lies. I get a glass from the cupboard and pour some diet Coke into it.
"Nice. Don't have a midlife crisis." I laugh, kissing his cheek.

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