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Danny ran to I'm guessing, Isaiah?

"Hey buddy. What are you up to?" the boy said.

"I'm playing with Ava! Come on! Play with us!" well this is awkward.

"Ummm, I was just about to go find my brother." I said awkwardly.

"Oh. He's probably in Andy's room. I'll show you where it is if you want." he said scratching the back of his neck.

"That would be nice." God can I get any more awkward than this?

"See you later buddy. Come on." he gestured for me to follow.

Okay. Let's just take a moment and thank god for how cute he is. I would say hot, but I think calling guys hot is weird. I'm probably the only girl who thinks that. I think there's something terribly wrong with me.

"Are you coming or are you just going to stare at me all day?" and here comes the blush.

"Sorry. I'm coming." God I'm an idiot, but I'm glad all he did was chuckle.

"So you're the new neighbor?"

"Yeah. Just moved here from Denver."

"Is it different in Denver? I mean you're in LA now, it's crowded and loud."

"Not really. I've been to more places than I can count."

"You move a lot. That sucks."

"Yeah." I like him so far.

"Whats the worst part about it?"

"Well, there's a lot of ups and downs about always moving and never staying in the same place, but I think the worst part about it all is never knowing where you're going next or how long are you going to stay there. Its hard to make friends you know? I'm just happy me and matt have each other." we stopped in front of a door.

He smiled at me."You'll make friends." that was that last thing he said before he walked away and left me standing there.

I know its short! Please don't hate me.

But I updated!!!!! And that my friend is an accomplishment.

I will.have longer updates so don't worry!!!!!

I love you all! ❤

XoXo, Autum

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