Part 21

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Ashley's pov
We've been following Juliet for about an hour now. How far is this place? The car finally started to slow down and made a left turn into the woods. We slowly followed, further down the pathway was a log cabin. Fuck. These things gives me the creeps. We were gonna wait until Juliet leaves to go in because other wise it would be way obvious if we go in there now. CC and I climb up a tree and try to get comfortable because who knows how long that we are going to be here.
Clarissa's pov
Ever since Juliet smacked my rat friend out of my hand he never comes out. I've gotten to the point where bread has just turned me to bone. I don't even eat the bread anymore it chuck it across the room. My stomach is very small and my arms are thin. I don't even need light to see it cause all I have to do is touch my arm to know how small it is. I hear the door open. Great the bitch is back. I can already hear her high heels banging against the stairs. She should really consider wearing tennis shoes or something because she could fall down the stairs with how big her heels are. Wait, lets make the heels bigger! The lights turn on and there stood Juliet. She placed down another plate of bread.

"Are you going to eat it or stare at it," I picked the piece of bread up and threw it at her.

"Why don't you eat it. You could use some bread in your life" I start histerically laughing. I have a problem.

"If you ever through bread at me again you will pay!" She screamed at me. Just to make things better I picked up the glass of water and splashed the water at her. Then I threw the cup at her. I again start histerically laughing. She stops over to me and stomps on my hand with her huge ass heel. I squeel with pain. Man that felt like someone just took a knife and stabbed my hand. But I wouldn't know how that feels because it hasn't happened before. Everything wasn't funny to me anymore. A wave of anger ran over me. How dare I let Juliet treat me like such an animal. I gave a death glare to Juliet and for a second I swore I saw fear in her eye. Why? Well that beats me. Juliet picked up the glass and the plate and went back upstairs. This time she kept the lights on. I look across the room and see about 8 pieces of brean on the ground. Oh well. I started getting sick of the taste anyway. I suddly missed the dark. I liked it better than the light. I started to miss my parents, my house, my moms chicken. I let the tears run out of my eyes. What else was I suppose to do? I couldn't help it. I let out a huge scream. I just wanted to get out. I started tugging on the chains. I felt the raw skin on my wrists cut open more than they already are. I felt an outburst of energy through my body. It was like I could do anything. I fling my arms forward as if I could yank the chains out of the wall. Juliet came running down the steps and stabbed a needle in my arm. I started getting very tired and weak. 

"What did you do?"

"None of your buisness now go back to sleep," She kicks me in the stomach and turns the lights off. At this point I hope I die of starvation. I try to smack my head in the wall but I couldn't move. I was too tired. I try to get in a comfortable position and then I go to sleep.

I heard a door open. Juliet is probably back. I groan and shift uncomfortably. I hear two guys. 

"Clarissa?" That sounded like Ashley. Im probably just hearing things. But the same person calls out my name again. I try to let out some sort of noise but im so weak if feels like I can not even speak. My eyes start to get heavy again and I close them very slowly. Trying to stay awake as long as possible just in case if Ashley, or whoever is up there ends up finding me. But then I just drift off into a some what peaceful sleep.

Ashleys Pov

"What if Juliet is not even keeping her here?" CC asked me.

"Well if she is here I am not leaving until I search every inch of this place,"

"What ever you say," 

" Look for secret doors or something. She probably hid her in a very good hiding spot where no one would look."

"Or just open this door down to the basement," CC was standing by an open door that lead downstairs. It smelled terrible down there. Almost like death. She wouldn't have killed Clary. She wouldn't have. I walk down the stairs with caution. It is pitch black down here. I move my hand on the wall until I find a light switch. I flip up the switch and there lump on the floor was Clarissa. I ran up to her. She looked dead. She was all skin and bones and she was so pale. I look at her and see that her hands are in chains. I lift them up and rip off the chains. Her wrists were all raw and cut up. I lift her up in my arms and she is so light. 

"We need to get her back home,"

"Thats true, and get her something to eat,.....oooo and a shower pee yoo"

"CC her stench is not what you should be worrying about right now. And im afraid that she isn't just sleeping. She could have passed out from the lack of food it looks like she has been having." 

"Ill go up first just in case we have any visitors,"

"Yes good you clear the way just in case anyone is here that we didn't see so we can get Clary out of here unharmed....some what" I wait for CC to tell me that the cost is clear then I go upstairs. Seeing Clary like this just kills me. It's part Andys fault too because he just let Juliet take her away. He didn't even put up a fight. We should have brought a car or something so we could put her down but shes just gonna handle bumping arond while we use our handy dandy vampire speed to get the hell out of here.


Dun Dun DUn. What happened to Clarissa? Probably exaclty what Ashely said. Hey guys thanks for the ten thousand views. It means so much to me that people take their time to read my stories. Now just if we could get it up to one thousand likes. It will take time but sooner or later that may happen. Thanks again.

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