Part Two

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I woke up to the annoying sound of my alarm clock. Just a couple more days until my 18th birthday! Time seems like its flying by. My parenst seem to get more and more nervous since my birthday is approching. First they were all lovey dovey, now they seem like they feel guilty. I get up and get ready for the day. I am so glad I do not have to go to school anymore. I graduated early. Right now my mom wanted to have some girl time so I am going to get my hair cut and we are going shopping for my birthday. Fun.

My mom was waiting for me in the car as I got down stairs. I grabbed my purse and hopped in the car with her.

"So what kind of haircut are you getting?" She asked me.

"I think i want to get 2 inches off and some long layers." I said. I usually got that hair cut because i didn't want to make my hair all short and have a funky hair style. My mom starts driving to the hair salon and I get lost into the music that is flowing its way out of the radio.

We pull up to the hair salon. We got out of the car and headed in. There were no other customers there so this should go by quickly. I sat down in the chair and told the hair stylist what I wanted and she went to work. It only took her about 15 minutes to do my hair since it wasn't anything too extreme.

Next up was the mall. For some odd reason my mom wanted to get me a nice dress for my birthday. If they are throwing me a surprise party they are doing a terrible job at the surprise part. We look around stores until I spot the most beautiful dress in one of the shops windows. Its not to long and its a very light blue with gems on the top.

"Mom thats the dress I want." I pointed to the blue dress. She nodded and we strolled along into the store.

"Hello we would like to try the blue dress that is on display." My mom told the assistant.

"ok just follow me." We followed the assistant to the back of the shop and she pulled out another copy of the dress.

"The dressing rooms are over there," She said pointing to my left. I enter one of the dressing rooms and slip the dress on. It was amazing. A perfect fit too. It went to about my ankles and it hugged my body. I open the door to show my mom.

"Oh honey you look so beautiful." My mom said with tears in her eyes

"Mom why are you crying? 18 isnt that big of a number." I told her.

"You wouldn't understand us moms. You have grown up to quickly." She told me. I roll my eyes and went back into the dressing room. I took off the dress and then we went to pay for it. We also threw in a pair of high heels that matched the dress.


We were all crowed around the tv matching a movie. Then the phone started ringing and I was about to get it.

"No Clarissa you sit and watch the movie. Ill get it." My dad said a little panicked.

"Oookaaaaayyy?" That was akward. I sit back down on the couch and resume watching the movie. My dad went upstairs to talk. He never did that. Even if it was a buisness call he always talked down in the kitchen. My mom must have saw my worried face because she assured me that everything was ok. Obviously something was up. The surprise party all of a sudden popped in my head. That's probably why he was upstairs. That thought seemed a little off.


It was finally the morning of my 18th birthday. The last couple days my parents seemed a little more off than they were before. I went to my closet to put on the dress. Last night my mom told me to get ready right when I woke up. In my parents room I could hear faint sobs. Do parents cry over every childs 18th birthday? I easily slip on the dress and do my hair. I just put it in a bun and put a hair clip in. I heard a knock on the downstairs door. My parents scurried out of their room to get it.

"Clarrisa get down here" My moms saddend voice said. My cousins were here weren't they.

I walk down the steps feeling a little bit over dressed. As I got to the bottom steps two not so friendly looking men stood before me wearing suits. My mom was sobbing in my dads arms.

"Uh mom.... Whats going on"

"Your coming with us" Man number one said. If I don't know there names I give them numbers.

"Why, I am not going anywhere unless you tell me where"

"You are going to be a ...... Helper to some people."

"Whats that suppose to mean."

"Just come with us," The man said a grabbed my arm forcefully.

"We love you" My dad spoke.

I looked back in betrayl. Were they making me become a maid at rich people homes. The men stuffed me in the back of the car and zoomed off. I felt like I was being kidnapped. What made me wonder most is why I had to dress so fancy. I guess I would have to wait and see where these two weird men take me. Hopefully its no where bad. But oh was I wrong

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