Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Thank you CataleyFrost13 for supporting The Trigger World series!!!


Cross and Chris gave me a long talk about going for a 'walk' and not telling anyone. I just nodded my head, and told them it won't happen again. I felt bad for worrying them, but shit needed to get done and no one else was going to do it. I gave myself a mental shake as I walk into school, putting the past behind me. Preparing myself for a boring and uneventful day, that is school.

I walked towards my locker, getting out my stuff for math. Ugh. Oh well, at least Dowson is with me in this class so it won't completely suck ass.

"Good morning princess, and how are you on this fine day?" Dowson yelled right in my ear. Not only did I jump at the sudden noise, his breath was on my neck, and I didn't like it. I slammed shut my locker door, and glared up at him. We were so close I was almost touching his chest.

"What the freaking hell was that about?" I demanded.

Dowson looked past me, and his eyes widened. "Now princess, you don't have to go breaking lockers, just because you're mad." I scrunch up my face, not understanding what he just said. "Look," Dowson then pointed behind me.

I turn around only to see that my locker door, inside my locker. Well shit! How am I going to explain this one? Wait a minute, I have a werewolf friend right beside. Ohh, this is gonna be good.
I give a loud gasp. "Dowson, what did you do to my locker?" I said loudly so the entire hallway could hear. He gives me an confused look, but I continue on. "You broke my locker door! It's inside my locker! What the hell am I supposed to do now!" I was talking a little louder each time I spoke.
Dowson's eyebrows went so high, I think they just might hit an airplane. He finally understands.

He gives me an evil grin, and winks before speaking. "Well maybe if you weren't annoying, then you might still have a locker." He shouted, oh I see where this is going.

"Oh, well excuse me pup, for getting in your way."

Dowson looked amused, but quickly covered it up. "What. Did. You. Just. Call. Me." His voice was low, and firm, his face, ready to kill, but his eyes held mischief.

"Oh, I'm sorry dog. Does that suit you better?" The crowed that had formed, oh'd at my remark. I just smirked.

He narrowed his eyes at me, and gave me a smirk before lunging at me. I side stepped, and he went right into the lockers. Dowson turned around, and gave a small snarl. Hey, if we're playing this 'fight' game, then its by my rules buddy. We started to circle each other, while the people around us chanted fight, over and over.

Dowson charged again, but I was to slow this time to dodge it. I was on the ground with the breath knocked out of me, and my arms pinned above my head, with Dowson on top of me.
"Give up yet?"

I narrowed my eyes. "Never."
I spit in his face, he looked stunned, before letting go of me to wipe his saliva covered face. I took the opportunity to get him in an headlock. He wipes his head back, and hits my face. Pain shoots through my nose, as blood drips down from it. I wipe my nose and look at Dowson. He looks at my noise, quilt covers his face. I on the other hand take the moment to walk forward, then swing a kick high. Target, his jaw. I didn't hear it crack, but he did stumble a few steps back. He looks at me stunned.

We take fights stances, both dead set on winning. He doesn't make first move, so I go. I run forward, and swing my leg up, to kick him in the side. He catches it just before it would have hit him. He throws my leg back, making me go off balance, and stumble backwards. He comes at me with a punch, I dodge it, he swings again, I dodge that one too. He was about to throw another swing, but I beat him to it. Punched him right in the mouth. We were about to at each other again, when I felt arms go around me and pull me back. I started to fight against the arms, when Mr. Moot's face came into view.

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