Chapter 3 - I like him, I hate you

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Venkatesh told Deepak, Diya and I that he'll give us the access to the door on Wednesday, but until the end of the day neither he nor anyone of us remembered that today is Wednesday and we are supposed to get the access. Kiran who I have learnt to be the owner of Winnow Analytics as well as the CEO of the IT Company where the hot guy works, is the only one who is entitled to give access to any newbies. When we were leaving, suddenly Deepak and I remembered about the access and we went back to Venkatesh to ask him about it.

"Sir?" I ask as he turns around to look at me. "You told that you'll give us access to the door today," I remind him.

"Oh, yeah," he recalls and nods his head before leaving his chair and looking around.

I understand he's searching for Kiran, but he's not here having left before lunch only. For some reason, Venkatesh spots the hot guy, minutely working on his laptop.

"Excuse me?" he calls him.

"Yes?" the guy rises to his feet, looking at Venkatesh.

My heartbeats accelerate as I realize for the trillionth time how sexy he is. He wears a dark black tee and dark brown pants that hug his legs. His dread locks are tied into a lose pony tail today and he stands with both of his hands sticking deep inside his pockets.

"Has Kiran left?" Venkatesh asks.

"Yeah, he has," he suddenly turns to look at me. "You want access to the door, right?" he asks me, a faint smirk adorning his lips.

My heartbeats stop for a few seconds before I slowly nod my head.

"Let me ask Santosh," he replies and screams Santosh's name. "Do you have access to the door?"

"I have, but I can't give to any new one," Santosh answers, a little irritated because he is busy playing games on his laptop.

"Sorry, then you've to wait until tomorrow when Kiran comes," the hot guy tells me.

"Okay," I smile.

"Okay," Venkatesh says.

"Okay," Deepak and Diya also say in unison.

The three of us turn around again to leave. I notice Venkatesh occupying his seat again, but the hot guy keeps standing there, his hands still in his pockets and his brown eyes still on me. I feel so weak in my knees that something from inside urges me to stay and talk to him, and keep talking to him. We keep looking at each other until I turn my head around to exit the office.

I reach office sharp at 10.00 Am today, and see Venkatesh already typing hard on his laptop. I barely take off my shades and scarf when I see Deepak coming in, whisking his hair with a hand.

"Morning," he wishes me.

"Morning," I smile. "Good morning, sir," I smile at Venkatesh.

"Where is Diya?" I ask Deepak because they both live quite close to each other.

Venkatesh overhears my question, so instead of Deepak he answers me. "She got another job in Bangalore Mirror. She isn't coming."

"Ohh," I gasp and look at Deepak who pouts at me.

We sit down and turn on our computers before commencing to look for story ideas. At around 11.00 Am when I'm totally focused on writing my first story of the day, I see the hot guy coming in. He wears the same clothes that he wore yesterday and although in normal situation that would've totally crept me out I somehow find it okay.

We meet our eyes and internally I ask him to wish me "Good morning," so I can wish him too, but he only stares at me with his killer eyes and goes to his counter.

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