Shots shots shots!

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Percy's pov.

We waisted no time getting to camp, as soon as we got to the lines anger bubbled in my chest

The agents were back on there feet, and and fighting Romen's , the avengers and most if the seven were probably with rayna

I saw minx , a gunshot wound in her stomach

"Minx!" I screamed an ran forward, but an agent was already on her, he shot her in the arm when he tried to push him away

She screamed and fell back, her girlfriend , krism, charge at the man from behind, I was running to help them

Them agent ducked as she swung her axe t him and grabbed he arm, he threw her forward and she fell next to minx


I charged forward and tackled the man before he could shoot krism ,
Krism crawled away and cradled minx's head on her lap

"No! no! babe please don't d- do this to me!" she cried

I pinned down the agent and failed to see him lift his gun up to my stomach

A gun shit echoed around the field

"Percy!" Peter screamed, I slumped forward an the agent rolled me off him and stood, thunder struck in front of his feet and he fell back on his rump

Suddenly the ground below him erupted and two Skeltons grabbed his arms an started dragging him under

He screamed, but it was muffled when he was submerge in dirt, and there was nothing left of him but a gun

Nico and Jason suddenly pulled me up , I saw the avengers and demigods fighting again

But they were angry and the battle ended quickly

"Oh gods..." nico held out a hand and rolled me onto my back

I gasped an cried out in pain when he rested a hand over it and applied pressure "m- minx?" I gasped Jason moved to the side and blocked my vision of her and krism

"Don't move-" he was cut off by a scream "percy! oh god!" Peter landed next to me an knelt down

"Don't worrie- we-I can get help!" he said and flagged Bruce over "medic!" nico shouted over his shoulder

My chest heaved up and down ad I gasped for air , my right hand grabbed nico's wrist in a weak hold and he used his other hand am for pressure

"Hold on percy , hold on" he muttered, suddenly I was two Apollo campers run next to me with a stretcher

Jason moved to my side and suddenly Steve was next to me as well

They lifted me into it and I caught a glimpse of minx being helped to
She looked at me with a weak smile

We rushed to the infirmary and we loaded on beds next to each other
"You- ... look like a... bloody mess" she breathed out weakly and I grinned

"Your not really a princess ether, minxy" I teased and moaned in pain when there was more pressure on my stomach

Around my vision started to turn black , I made out the forgive of annabeth rolling up next to me and the avengers being pushed out

I saw the hurt look on peters face

"S'not yer fault..." I muttered

Before I drifted off

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