Nightmare share

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Percy's pov.

'Nico held his hand for me to take, but I held onto annabeth

"The other side! nico!"

"Lead them there!"

"Promise me!" he hesitated


"Promise me!" I screamed sand frantically held annabeth

"I... I promise!" his eyes watered and I smiled up at him

My hands slipped off the edge

And I fell

The last flash of light and I held annabeth

"Wake up!"

I fell into the darkness


'Give up'



"Wake up man! it's just a dream!" Peter screamed but I kept falling into the darkness'

"Wake up!"

I bolted forward and Peter held my shoulders, he had on a white shirt and red sweats

"Percy... its just a dream" he said soothingly and I stared at him, my eyes glazed over

I don't know why but I shot forward and hugged Peter "it-I was falling-I couldn't get to her in time... death and oh gods- curses - I screamed and screamed- they just watched me..."

He returned the hug and patted my back "I heard you scream, it's ok I heard you"
He murmured and I sobbed

"My mom never new, she never saw me fall, I thought if I never told her about the monsters they would go away, but they just came closer-"

He patted my bare back and he was looking at my scars
I ha on no shirt and long blue cotton pants

"Percy, I'm here, there are no monsters" he said and I squeezed him tighter

"Yes there is, that are always here they are always In my dreams! and when I was a kid they followed me" I pulled away

Peter saw the completely broken look on my face "I had no one, I had to protect her I had to- to do something"

"You did it percy" Peter punched my shoulder lightly
"And right here, right now, you have me, your my brother and I'm not letting anyone hurt you" Peter said and smiled

I fell back on the bed an Peter sat next to me "want to have a sleep over or sumthin'?" he asked and I nodded

"I don't.... don't want to be alone" Peter grinned and grabbed the pillow from my bed

He hit me in the face with it and I role over "good cuz' I'm not sleeping on the floor"

We pushed the mattresses off the bed and put them out on the floored sprawled out on them and I
Turned my head to the right to look at Peter

He was looking at The roof and I sighed "are you going to ask?"
He pulled the end of his blanket and grinned

"Nope, that's not my place, but if you want to talk about your dream, or your scars, I'm all ears" I nodded and pulled the blanket up to cover my head

"I'm not human" was all I said before I fell into sleep


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