No Ordinary Love

Começar do início

"You see that's the reason why I wanted to talk to you, Naeun."

I let go of the pillow and faced him.Dad's tone seemed serious now. I wonder what he's been thinking lately.

"What do you mean Dad?"

"There was one thing that bothered me, Naeun. It was when you cried in Heiri."

Oh that incident.

"When you're Mom and I watched we were worried for you since you never had any experience on how to deal with those situations, how to feel hurt from someone you liked."

"When you cried, the same thoughts came running in me."

"What thoughts Dad?"

"That you aren't ready for love, Naeun."

"What makes you say that Dad?"

"Because you were always scared of being hurt. That was why."

That hit me real hard.

"There's no person who loved, that didn't get hurt.I want you to remember that Naeun."

I nodded at his words. I now understand why he wanted to talk. He was direct on his points.

"Dad why are you telling me this?"- I asked.

"Because I don't want you to be broken, I want you to be prepared."

We became silent for a while.My thoughts were all over the place. There was something I wanted to ask Dad about.

"Dad, can I ask you something?"- I asked.

"What is it?"

"Earlier before dinner I saw you talking to Taemin, what did you tell him? Was it about me?"

"That is between him and I. It's getting late. We both have to rest now.You better drink your milk so you could sleep."

Ugh. Why couldn't he just tell me?

Dad walked towards the door. I watched him reach the door's handle but then he suddenly spoke...


"Yes dad?"- I replied,hoping that maybe he'd tell me.

"Taemin's a nice guy, I can see that but always remember what I told you. Not for me but for yourself."

I dashed to Dad and gave him a tight hug.It wasn't what i was hoping for him to say but, the moment needed it.

"Thanks Dad."

"Good night, sweetheart." - He said as he kissed me goodnight.

I closed the door and went back to my bed. I lay there thinking.

Late at night when everyone's sleeping,I now stay up just to think of Dad's words and of Taemin.

"There's no person who loved,that didn't get hurt."

I thought about that over and over again. Dad's right. You never have loved if you didn't get hurt.
It's not love at all.


Am I ready of being hurt? I always thought that I was not ready for love because I was not ready of being hurt. When love comes, pain follows too.

What do I do now? Is it right for me to feel in love now?

So many questions but the answers are so few. All I really know is I have learned to love him. That's for sure.

Taemin's POV:

Just A Borrowed SpouseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora