Chapter Two

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Bunny's POV

I am so happy that Elsa got chosen to be the next guardian!!!!It's partly because she isn't a groundhog, but the main reason is because she is my and Sandy's best friend. This is a secret we have kept ever since we met her when she first started to lock herself in her room. That day, we noticed a light on the globe who needed some hope and good dreams, and we've been best friends ever since! Anyway, now we are on our way to Arendelle, running (hopping) as fast as we can.

Elsa's POV

I woke up ready for another day of isolation until I realized what today was... My coronation. 'Oh no!! I'm NOT ready!! I'm going to freeze everything! And I have to face Anna after years of isolation!!!!' I panicked in my mind. 'Calm down Elsa calm down. Conceal Don't Feel.' "Don't let them in, don't let them see." I sang. "Be the good girl you always have to be. Conceal, don't feel" I sang while trying to hold a candelabra and ball, trying so hard not to freeze them, but ultimately failing. "Put on a show make one wrong move and everyone will know. But it's only for today, it's agony to wait. Tell the guards to open up the gate. Don't let them in, don't let them see be the good girl you always have to be. Conceal. Conceal don't feel don't let them know!" I sang as I went out onto the balcony to see our guests enter the palace. 'Remember Elsa, it's only for today, so conceal don't feel!!' *Time Skip to Coronation*

Right now the priest is saying his long speech, but it's blocked out by all of my panicking thoughts about when I have to hold the sphere and scepter. 'Conceal don't feel!!! Maybe I can leave my gloves on and no one will notice!! Let's try that!' I thought to myself. As I reached for the items, the priest whispered "Your majesty... the gloves." I slowly removed the gloves with my shaking hands thinking 'Oh no he noticed!!' Now that I was holding the sphere and scepter, the priest was saying a speech in native tongue. 'Conceal don't feel! Conceal DON'T feel! CONCEAL DON'T FEEL!!' Even after thinking that frost slowly started to cover them both. Luckily, the priest finished his speech before anyone could notice!!! 'Okay I got through that now all I have to survive is the party!! That shouldn't be that hard right?' At the party I finally got to see Anna! Though it was very awkward, at first, so I started a conversation. "Hi" I said. "H-hi me? Oh, hi." She replied. "You look beautiful!" "Thank you! You look beautifuller! I mean not fuller, you don't look fuller, I mean more beautiful!" I giggled. "Thank you! So... This is what a party looks like?" "It's warmer than I thought." "And what is that amazing smell?!" I asked. "CHOCOLATE!!" We said in unison!! Then we both started laughing!! Anna looked like she was about to say something but got interrupted by our servant, Kai. "Your majesty. The Duke of Weaseltown." "Weselton. The Duke of Weselton." The Duke spoke. "Your Majesty, as your closest partner in trade, it seems only fitting that I offer you your first dance as queen." He then does a silly little flitter of his feet and then bows, but when he bows his toupee comes loose. Anna and I are both trying, and failing, to stifle our laughs. "Thank you...only I don't dance. But my sister does." I say. Anna quickly tries to get out of it, but is pulled onto the dance floor before she can deny. "Sorry" I whisper. A few minutes later, Anna comes limping back to me. "Well, he was sprightly." I say. "Especially for man in heels." She says rubbing her sore feet. "Are you okay?" "I've never been better. I wish it could be like this all the time." "Me too..." I reply, but then get a quick flashback of when I struck Anna as a child. "But it can't." I continue. "Why not if-" I interrupt her by saying, "It just can't." I can feel her trying to not get emotional. "Excuse me for a minute." She says. Anna walks away and I keep thinking 'Conceal don't feel' and continue talking to the guests. Later on in the night, Anna reappears to talk. Beside her is a ginger-haired man with terrible sideburns. "Elsa! I mean.... Queen... Me again. Um. May I present Prince Hans of the Southern Isles." Oh yay!! Anna made a friend! Prince Hans bows, so I politely curtsey. In unison they say, "We would like your blessing of... Our marriage!!" 'Wait what?! Marriage?! Is she crazy?! She only just met him!!' I'm speechless. "Marriage...?" "YES!!" "I'm sorry, I'm confused." "Well we haven't worked out all the details ourselves. We'll need a few days to plan the ceremony. Of course we'll have soup, roast, and ice cream and then- Wait would we live here?" "Here?" 'No they can't live here!! That would make living in isolation a LOT harder!!! Calm down Elsa. Conceal don't feel.' "Absolutely!" Hans replied. "Oh, we can invite all twelve of your brothers to stay with us-" "What? No, no, no, no, no." I try to interrupt, but Anna keeps rambling. "Of course we have the room. I don't know. Some of them must-" "Wait. Slow down. No one's brothers are staying here. No one is getting married." "Wait what?" "May I talk to you, please. Alone." "No. Whatever you have to say, you-you can say to both of us." She replies. 'Way to make this harder, Anna.' "Fine. You can't marry a man you just met." "You can if it's true love." "Anna, what do you know about true love?" "More than you. All you know is how to shut people out." 'Well that one stung. NO!! Conceal don't feel!' "You asked for my blessing, but my answer is no. Now, excuse me." I can feel the ice flowing through my veins, I need to get out of here!! Hans breaks my thoughts by saying "Your Majesty, if I may ease your-" "N-no you may not. And I-I think you should go." I stutter. "The party is over. Close the gates." "What? Elsa, no. No, wait!" Anna then pulled off one of my gloves! Oh no!! 'Conceal don't feel!! Conceal don't feel!!! Conceal don't feel!!!!' I keep thinking. "Give me my glove!!" "Elsa, please. Please. I can't live like this anymore." "Then leave!" I say trying to get out of here, fast. "What did I ever do to you?!" "Enough, Anna." "No. Why? Why do you shut me out?! Why do you shut the world out?! What are you so afraid of?!" "I said ENOUGH!" I shout, but when I do a half circle of ice shards comes out of my hands. 'Oh NO!!! I revealed my secret!! What am I going to do?!' "...Sorcery. I knew there was something dubious going on here." The Duke said. "Elsa...?" Anna said, she looked shocked and scared. Then, I did what any logical person would do... I ran. As I rush out the doors I see crowds of people here to congratulate me. I hear many people say "Long live Queen Elsa" or "Your Majesty", but one women sees my fear and asks "Your Majesty? Are you alright?" I barely shake my head "no" before moving backwards so I don't hurt her baby. I then knock into the fountain, and freeze it. Gasps of fear come from the crowds. "There she is! Stop her!" The Duke shouts at me. "Please just stay away from me! Stay away!" I shout at the Duke, but I'm so scared that ice accidentally shoots out of my hands and makes the Duke fall. "Monster... Monster!" He yells at me. 'He's right... I am a monster, all I've done is hurt people with this horrible curse!!' I start to run even faster, ignoring Anna's pleas for me to stop. I then get to the fjord, and accidentally step on the water, it instantly turns into ice. As soon as I see this I break into a run, freezing the water with each step. I keep running until the castle is just a faint memory. I finally stop running and just walk up the mountain, observing every detail of the snow. I then hear a faint rustling in the bushes. "Who is there? Please just stay away, I'm dangerous!" I say. "I find that hard to believe, mate. You would never hurt your best friends, right mate?" 'Best friends...?' "Bunny? Sandy? Is that you?" I say, full of hope of seeing my best friends again. "It is us mate! Sorry it has been so long." Bunny says in the Australian accent I haven't heard in weeks. They both bring me into a huge bear hug. Sandy then makes a symbol of the moon over his head in dream sand. Bunny says, "Oh right! Mate, we have some good news! Manny has chosen you to become the next guardian! You don't have to accept right now, but could you come to North's Workshop with us?" I was completely speechless! 'Me?! A guardian?! I don't know... I can't even control my powers.' "Okay. I will come on two conditions. First, please don't tell anyone about my powers. PLEASE! Second, Sandy, can you use your dream sand to make me a pair of gloves, some that will help me control my powers?" In his own language, since he can't talk, Sandy "said" "Okay. But why?" "I will explain later. I promise!" "Okay mate. But we better get that explanation." "You will. Now lets go." Then Bunny took out a snow globe and whispered, "North's Workshop". A second later, a giant portal opened and we all walked through. When I opened my eyes, I saw a giant building, it was beautiful! I looked over at Bunny to see him shivering like a Chihuahua. 'Must be the cold, oh well, the cold never bothered me anyway.' As we walked in, we were surrounded by many people. A very tall, intimidating man, a hyper, feather-covered fairy, a fiesty-looking redhead with a bow and arrow in her hands, a brown-haired boy with a metal leg, a girl with VERY long, blonde hair and a huge smile plastered on her face, and a very attractive boy, who looks around my age, with white hair, gorgeous blue eyes, and a complexion as pale as me. 'WOW! He is very handsome, but the redhead seems kind of annoyed that I am here...oh well.' "Welcome to my workshop!!!!" A loud, deep voice spoke. " I am North also known as Santa! This is Tooth the Tooth Fairy." "Ooohhh... Let me see your teeth" she said as she put her hands in my mouth. "WOW!! They are as white as Jack's." Suddenly, she gasped and shivered. "Oh... BAD memories..... You poor thing!" She said. "Anyways.." North continued. " You have already met Sandy the Sandman, and Bunny the Easter Bunny." "Kangaroo" Someone coughed out. The look on Bunny's face was priceless! "This is Hiccup, the Guardian of Loyalty." He pointed to the boy with the metal leg. "He can talk to dragons. Next is Rapunzel, or Punzie, the Guardian of Goals or Wishes." He pointed to the girl with the long, blonde hair. "Her hair is magic. When she sings a certain song it glows and can heal almost anything.Next is Merida, the Guardian of Bravery. She can hit any target, and will never miss." He then pointed to the redhead, who just gave me an annoyed glare. "Our final guardian is Jack Frost, Guardian of Fun, and Spirit of Winter. He has powers of ice and snow, and can control the wind." 'He has the same powers as me!! This is amazing!!! I am not alone in the world!! Maybe he can help me control my powers! No, don't be ridiculous, you would only hurt someone. Remember what Father said, "Conceal don't feel. Don't let them know."' "H-hello e-everyone. I-I a-am Q-queen E-elsa o-of A-Arendelle." I stuttered. "Well Elsa, what is your power? Manny says you are stronger than all of us." Jack says. As I was about to answer, Merida interrupted. "I still can't believe Manny says this wee lass is stronga' than all of us, even mey!" "MERIDA!! Don't interrupt!! Elsa, you were saying?" North said. "W-w-well, I-I-I am Q-Q-queen o-of A-Arendelle, s-s-so t-that i-is a kind o-of power, but there is n-nothing m-much e-else." I said, worried about revealing my power of snow and ice, even though I have Sandy's special gloves. "Oh Okay, but now you are going to become a guardian. MUSIC!!!!" North screamed. All of a sudden, dozens of elves came out carrying flags, or playing instruments. "Um, excuse me? What makes you think I want to be a guardian?" I politely asked. "Of course you do!!" North replied. Then, everyone started talking louder and louder, saying stuff like "This is so exciting!!" or "A new guardian? YAY!!". It was getting to loud, I couldn't even hear my thoughts, so in my most queenly voice I screamed, "ENOUGH!!! I am sorry, but you have the wrong girl. I can't be a guardian!" "Yeah! The wee lass is right! Ye don't even have magic, and ye seem pretty ordinary, otha' than bein' royalty." Merida, RUDELY, commented. "Merida! Don't be so rude! Elsa was chosen for a reaso-" North got interrupted by a loud gasp. "North there is trouble at my Tooth Palace!! I will go ahead, but please hurry!!" Tooth begged. And in an instant, Tooth was out the door, on her way to the Tooth Palace. "WHAT IS EVERYONE JUST STANDING AROUND FOR?!! TO THE SLEIGH!!!!!!!" North screamed. "The sleigh?!!!! Mate, I-I think my tunnels are faster, a-and much safer!" Bunny said with a touch of fear in his voice. "Aww... is Kangaroo scared of a little sleigh ride?" Jack joked. "Nonsense, Bunny! The sleigh is plenty safe! Now everyone... BUCKLE UP!!!!" North said. "Um... actually North I am going to ride Toothless." Hiccup said, and before North could deny, Hiccup was already running towards the stables. "Okay... now then everyone BUCKLE UP!!" North repeated. "WHERE ARE THE BLOODY SEAT BELTS????!!!!!!" Bunny screamed. "Oh.. Bunny that is just an expression!" North replied. Everyone, except Bunny, looked very excited. I, on the other hand, was as nervous as Bunny. Off we went!!!! We were going through tunnels, and kept doing loopty-loops. Bunny looked like he was about to vomit, but this was actually a fun ride! When we finally exited the tunnel Jack said, "Hey guys!! Check out this vie-WOAH!!!!!!" "JACK!!!!!!!" I screamed!!! He just fell off the sleigh!!!!!!! 'OH NO!!!!! OH NO!!!!! OH NO!!!!! IS HE OKAY?!' I looked over the side to see him just lying on a part of the sleigh in the back. "Aww... you do care!" He said. When he got back in the sleigh, I slapped his arm, HARD. "OW! What was that for?!" He asked. "You scared me!!! I thought you got hurt!" I answered. While we continued to argue, North took out a snow globe and whispered, "Tooth Palace". When we got there, we saw hundreds, maybe thousands, of black shadows. The strange thing was they weren't taking anything, they were just flying around. North landed the sleigh, and we met up with Tooth. Sandy, North, Tooth, and Bunny started talking about the shadows, I think they called them 'Nightmares', but they were interrupted by a malicious laugh that sounded very familiar. I then realized where I have heard it, it belongs to my greatest enemy, the King of my Nightmares....

Pitch Black.

Authors Note:

Sorry for the cliffhanger. WOW! This was a very long chapter! Sorry if it dragged on a bit, but I hope you still enjoyed it!!!


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