|Case|01: The God of the games Conditions.

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"Um... Erh... ...i kinda really liked it, i mean it's just y'know looks like real but not. Also kudo shinichi, *sigh dreamily* he's so cool, they're both so cool and awesome, like they both has this—some—kind of magic that even they weren't real they made me happy, sad, jealous, and heart-warming feelings, they—I don't know—it made me feel like I'm really alive somehow" wao so that an proud otaku speech there and embarrassing too. I felt my cheeks heat up, i then close my eyes to avoid his lurking eyes that keeps staring at me intensely.

Great now, i look and sound weird righ now, the alien me come out greeaatt, slowly peak at him, he had a small blush on his face, i blink for a second, it was gone.

Maybe my imagination?

"Do you want to meet them?"my eyes wide in shock however soon as i realize, my mood change.

"Like i said they weren't real.. they don't... exist" i mumble, it sound more like whisper at the end. His expression soften and float again face me upside down, that remains me of the cat in the alice and the wonderland.

The only thing that is missing is the creepy grin but well, he did had a boyish smile on that is quite attractive. Ehem.

"Do you remember? I promise didn't i?" He had that smile. that a badboy in the movies, the handsome player at the novels had.

That can't resist smile. Holy cows this guy is something else. Where that not-to-get-tempted-training go?!

"I am The God of Games after all *He can read minds!?* as i promise i'll let you stay in the world, you wouldn't know that really exist—" That smile again however this time it was mischievous.

Did he said god?! what?! I just saw a god and talking to a god? Am i dead!?

"—And that world is world of fantasy where you—humans—named Anime world. but there will be two conditions" I think I'm having a heart attack, his going to bring to the anime world? Maybe let's give it a shot? I got nothing to lose anyway.

"Wh-what conditions" i asked, nervously as it mixed with my excitement.

"First let me explain you something, I'll change episode you knew in to something complex, there will be some things that would surprise you, so always be cautious. Now for the conditions, all you have to do is to found the Pandora Gem before kaitou kid/Kaito kuruba did and found out what are the Black Organization's after before Conan/shinichi kudo found out, also who is their boss, if you succeed all of my conditions I'll let you stay in the anime world for as long as you want however if Kudo shinich/Edogawa Conan or kaitou kid/Katoi kuruba found out what you are and what you came from i'll send you back and you will remember nothing of this events nor the game"

"W-what?! You think i can do tha—" he suddenly put his index finger against my lips, that make me shut. Wao what is personal space means!?

"Where's the fun if you already can do anything? besides I'll help you, only for a few things like, technology you'll use, magic tricks, things you need and a house to stay" that is a good deal.

"Just say "yes" and you'll have your adventure" his voice is qtempting like a snake "you're longing for this, yes?"

If i say "yes" who knows how long it will take, but if i say "no" i'll let that one life chance escape... beside if i go back i probably would be still lock up in that house and who knows if mom or dad will let me outside, i shut my eyes close and said. "Y-yes" he smirk devilish made me shiver.

'Is this a bad idea??'

"Then let the Game begin!" He announced with a mysterious glint on his eyes, as then everything turn black, i gulped, heard him chuckle again.

"WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!"i shouted as i felt the cold wind blow against me, wait am i flying?!

"You don't get it, don't you? I'm the God of games and you agree to be the player of My Game, the conditions are kind of the a rules of the game, you most follow them and don't do anything against the rule as a first warning, you'll receive punish but if you fail the game, according to the conditions, you shall not remember any of this, however if you win, I'll let you stay in The Anime World.

Hmm, what i mean when i said, characters found out who you are, i mean is your identity, and if you think this is going to be easy then your wrong, i can manipulate their minds if i wanted to, i can make them ask you things that might not or might blow up your cover, so better be careful oh, and i might suddenly bring you to their places or suddenly make you do crazy things" I'm speechless.

'Suddenly make me do crazy things? Or bring to me place suddenly? I have no idea what am i got into but right here and right now, i just know that this. Is. Insanity. Amazing. I though mushing up a confidence or just an pleasing excuse to myself to continue this craziness or well, not regret it.

"This will be fun" he yelled, made everything shutter into pieces. My eyes widen in shock, is this really happening?

I'm not dreaming or i might be.



P.s: the next chapter is The episode 76, in detective Conan.

Well then farewell.

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