Be Careful Of What You Wish For

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Carter's POV

Coach was kicking my ass all week. Making me jog extra miles, practice my form and he even extended our football practices because we had two big games coming up. These games will decide which college i would be going to, scouts will be attending and even some of my family that live out of state will come watch me and my team. It was the greatest opportunity of my life and the pressure was on. When practice ended for the day my team and I took our time walking from the football field back towards the school to our lockers. The guys surrounded me and were talking about girls and the upcoming parties but the conversation that sparked my interest the most was the one Cody was having with Nick.

"Yeah I'm planning on asking her out." Cody tells Nick. Nick laughs and says. "Go for it bro, she seemed really into you at Heather's party last week."
Cody laughs and they continue to talk while I thought about Lexi. We haven't spoken or really saw each other every since the party only because I've been busy with football and keeping my grades up in my classes. I haven't even been giving the girls in school any time of day recently because I needed to stay focused. When I would see Lexi in the hallway i would see her walking past and not even noticing me or something. Now I completely understood what she meant when she said we were growing apart and I didn't like this.

As my team and I went into our locker rooms I texted Lexi and told her to meet me after school. She quickly texted back saying okay. I was Gonna stop this once and for all, there was no way in hell I was gonna let Cody date her.

Lexi's POV

I stood in front of the school tapping my foot on the ground impatiently waiting for Carter. He was suppose to be here 15 minutes ago but still was a no show. Everyone else was exiting the school heading to their cars and what not but not Carter. I haven't heard from him all week and then he just
Suddenly texted me asking to meet him right after school.  Now I was here waiting for him trying to give him another chance but he obviously didn't want one. I hoped he didn't think we were meeting to start this stupid friends with benefits thing. I pretty much laughed in his face when he asked if we could try it at the party. I walked away from him and continued to laugh about it that entire night. There was no in way hell I could have sex with him, he was my friend.

"Why are you over here all alone?" I turned to see Cody walking up to me. I smiled at him. Just simple dark jeans and a grey shirt looked so good on his toned body. He leaned down to hug me and I was a little taken back by how good he smelled.
"I was waiting for someone." I sighed while looking around. "But I guess they're not coming."

"Can I give you a ride home? Or did you drive your car here?" He asks me curiously. "I drove with Sarah, and yeah I'm pretty sure she left."

Cody's smile deepened as he grabbed my hand.
"Then I guess you are all mine sexy Lexi." Cody winks. I laugh as he leads me to the parking lot. I began admiring his tall frame and nice strong back as he walked in front of me. He looked so cute with his baseball hat on. He even had it turned backward which made him look even better. As we walked to his car I began glancing around the parking lot and just as I did, I couldn't believe what I saw. Carter's car.

He was sitting in the car with of course, Heather Heaton. I was so irritated I just looked away.
"You okay?" Cody asks while opening my door.
"Yeah." I smiled and then sat in the passenger seat while Cody closed my door. I wasn't gonna let Carter's stupid decisions bother me. I was so done feeling like the door mat instead of his Best friend.
"Are you hungry?" Cody asks while getting in the drivers seat. "starving." I smiled. Forget Carter. He had girls and football to worry about and I was obviously not important to him. I can't believe he suggested that we be sex buddies at Heather's party. He must have been super drunk and still is so stupid because I'd never agree to that, especially with him.

How My Best Friend Turned Into My F***  BuddyWhere stories live. Discover now