41-You Lose The Baby.

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Preference #41: You Lose The Baby.

Warning: may cause tears to those who are overly sentimental and emotional. (No offense)


You were five months along. Well within your second trimester. You were sound asleep when you heard Harry mumbling in his sleep. You woke up, and saw him smiling in his sleep. You felt a strong urge to pee, so you got up and went over to the bathroom. You turned on the bathroom light, and saw blood running down your leg. "No! No! Harry!" You screamed. "Huh?" Harry asked. You could hear him get up and turn on the light. He went silent. Footsteps ran over to see the pool of blood on the floor from you. "I-I... I don't know what I did. I-Harry..." Your hands were covered in blood and you immediately started to cry. Harry started a bath, and a load of laundry with blood soaked sheets and clothes. "Babe, kitten... It's not your fault," he whispers to you as he gives you a bath. You were quiet. You didn't blink, or breathe. You felt so lifeless. He bathed you in silence. "I can get dressed," you whispered. You closed the door on Harry. You got ready and you put on one of your pajamas that you never wore just in case of another leak. You walked out and saw Harry reapplying new sheets. "God, what could I have done wrong?" You asked yourself. You leaned on the wall, and Harry carried you to bed. He hugged you tightly and kissed you all over. "Please, stop..." You said pushing him away. "I'm sad too, kitten. Just, please let me make you feel loved again. Let me kiss you," he whispered. He pushed your hair behind your ear. "It'll be okay, (Y/N)... We'll get our pumpkin back," he said, reassuringly. "You didn't do anything wrong, kitten..." He whispered again. But still, you couldn't help but not believe him. Miscarriages aren't common within the second trimester.


"Looooooou! I'm not ready! Lou!" You screamed in the car. He held onto your hand as you squeezed it. You and Lou stayed in tonight because you hadn't really been feeling well. Louis got you pregnant with twins! It was a bit more than you had expected, especially since it was your first pregnancy. But tonight was the night, or maybe tomorrow morning. When you got there, they had found that you were already dilated to the point where they can't give you any pain medicine. "Lou, I won't be able to do it twice..." You said. You felt all hot and sticky. "Yes you will, you'll be fine..." Louis chuckled. "Giving birth, Louis is equivalent to 20 bones fracturing at the same time. It's either that or being cut open," you huffed. You and Louis kept up the chatter, until you knew it was time. They got you ready for twice the pain, and Louis was there the whole way... Between your screams, you heard another scream. But then, one wasn't crying. One wasn't screaming or moving. The umbilical cord was wrapped around it's neck, and she had stopped. You felt relived that it was over, and you were oblivious to everything happening to you. You fell back, and closed your eyes for a bit. When you woke, Jay was holding your precious baby girl... But Louis wasn't anywhere to be found. "Jay, where's Louis?" You asked. You rubbed your eyes, and saw that there was only one baby. "Where's my other baby?" You screamed. "(Y/N)..." You sat up, and unhooked yourself from all the monitors. "Jay! Please?" You frantically cried. You opened the window curtain to see Louis sit in your car with the door open. He was crying, and one carseat was broken, all over the parking spot. "She didn't make it?" You cried. You looked at Jay, and cried. "She was choking. They couldn't get air to her in time," Jay answered. "No! That wouldn't happen to me! Not to us!"


"I'm so excited, Liam!" You laughed. You and Liam were on your way to your ultrasound appointment. You were finally going to be able to know if it's a boy or a girl! "I hope it's a boy... He'll be a mini me, and we'll sing together all the time! I can-," Liam started before you interrupted him. "Don't get your hopes up, Liam. It's definitely a girl! I've lost like all my good looks! But, I know it's not a boy because I still have all my energy..." You laughed. "What are you talking about? You've lost no looks and all energy," Liam laughed as he pulled into the hospital. You went into your usual room, and waited for your doctor. She checked your weight, blood pressure, belly, everything. "I don't hear the heartbeat..." She says. "Well, he's there, I know," Liam says, keeping his hopes up. You took his hand and squeezed it tightly. She put the cold gel on your belly, and finally, you see the picture pop up on the screen. "Where is she?" You asked. "I-I'm sorry... But it seems that you've lost your baby..." She said. She looked astounded. You sat up and brought Liam into a hug. You buried your head in his neck, and sniffled. "(Y/N), it's a very common occurrence," she whispered. "This wasn't supposed to happen. She wasn't supposed to go," you cried. "It'll be alright, (Y/N)... We'll try again, and we'll get our munchkin back," Liam whispered holding you tightly. "You must hate me, Liam. I hate me too..." You said into his neck. "(Y/N), this doesn't make me love you any less. We'll get through it because we love each other," Liam smiled. "Liam..." You said pulling away from him. "Why did she leave?" You asked. "Because... Maybe we weren't ready to have him. Next time, next time will be different... We'll have our munchkin."


Well, you had a horrible day and Zayn noticed. "What do you want to eat?" he asked. You had to think for a bit, you've been eating anything and everything. "Chocolate pickles," you laughed. "Together?" He asked. "Yup!" You laughed. He went away to the kitchen, and you shifted how you sat. Pain flared all throughout your body, and it made you scream a bit. You shifted again to try and get comfortable again. Another flare was sent through your bones, and you screamed again. Zayn came running out to see what was up. "I think I just peed a bit..." You laughed. Zayn laughed too he was walking over to you when you screamed again. "Nope, that wasn't pee," you huffed. Zayn dropped the bag, and started frantically running through the house to get a hospital bag. "Get it later! Help me to the car!" You screamed. "Right..." Zayn huffed. He was so disorganized that he just dropped everything, picked you up and then finally drove you to the hospital. But the thing was, this wasn't very good. You were only six months, and in labor. You couldn't push, so that means c-section. Finally, when it was time Zayn was frantic. He stood next to you as you drifted to sleep. "(Y/N)!" He yelled. On the monitor, there were supposed to be two... But there was only one. Yours was still going, but your baby's wasn't. "I'm sorry Zayn," you whispered, "I just couldn't do it." "(Y/N), it's not your fault," he quietly whispered. "Are you mad at me?" You asked he shook his head no, but you knew he was. You fell back asleep because you couldn't stay up much longer. Every now and then, you heard a cry or whimper. Even felt a small tear.


Niall was so excited to come home to his pregnant wife. Well, except... You weren't pregnant anymore. You had gotten a miscarriage just a couple days before he was supposed to come home. You didn't want to tell him, well, because he was having the time of his life on tour. You fell asleep, because the boys said that he was being dropped off. You didn't wear any sexy clothing, and you didn't make a fancy homemade dinner. You just fell asleep in Niall's sweats that he didn't bring. He opened the door, so confused. This wasn't like you. He walked in your bedroom door, and set down his suitcases before he saw that you were asleep. He chuckled to himself and changed. He soon got into bed with you, and finally fell asleep holding you. When you woke up, your felt Niall's hand on your empty belly, and he was talking. "Niall, who are you talking to?" You asked gently, forgetting that you hadn't told him yet. "To the baby? Who else?"he laughed. You felt your head tilt back, and the tears sting... "Niall," you started. He immediately got what you were trying to say. "Why didn't you tell me, (Y/N)?" His voice got loud and into a deep scream. "I didn't want to ruin your last couple of days of tour!" You screamed back, sitting up. "I don't care! You know how much I wanted to see him. Why couldn't you just tell me?"Niall sat up and threw his hands in the air. You sat up away from him, "You know how hard it is to carry a baby, and it to see it die because of yourself? You know how hard it is to tell your partner that your child is gone because of you? I can't just tell you while you're on tour!" You huffed. You put your hands into your face, and started sobbing. "Princess, I'm sorry..." Niall said. He sat next to you and held you tightly. "I-I just want him back."


Queeeeeeeeestion of theeeeeeee dayyyyyyyyyy- who's really emotional during books and movies?

Honestly, I've never cried during a book or movie. I never ever cried. While everyone else is bawling... I'm just sitting there with a dry face. I can't remember one time where I did cry.

Oh well... But, I'm sorry if Zayns is really weird. It's just that... I could've sworn that I'd already written his. I had this whole imagine written, but it turns out that I never had written it, or read it... I don't think that it came to me in a dream, cause that's weird and I don't remember my dreams. But, I'm just reading and putting down what was imprinted on my mind.

That sounds freaky.... If it makes it sound any less creepy, I have photographic memory. Ermmmm yeah.

Haha wooh. Sorry to all those who cried. I can't see how you did, but sorry. Bye my pretties.


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