Chapter 2

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I'm in my room in bed. I am tired and my chest hurts a little. I am strong and can take a hit. The fire in me rooms fireplace is burning. The noise soothes me. And if I need to go somewhere, I can grab an unlit torch.

I shift myself in my bed. Thought fill my head.

If David has to joust with me in the finals then what will I do? What if I lose to a lucky jouster? If I do lose am I going to have to marry him or should I still confess? Am I going to have to be the character to a story? Am I going to find the fairy godmothers to get them to get me out of being a story character?

All these thoughts fill my head until I fall asleep.

I wake up. It is the day before my sixteenth birthday. I get on my day dress which is a pretty light blue. I get it on and put on my grandmothers old bracelet. If she was here then she could help me with my current problems.

I walk down stairs and walk past the guest quarters. I walk past all of the princes and kings and queens doors. One of them opens and I don't notice. I crash into it. It hit me hard enough to knock me to the ground. I hold my nose because that is what hurts right now. It's good that it isn't bloody.

"Oh no are you okay?"

I look up to see a brown haired boy in front of me. He is dressed in a casual prince's attire. This is Prince David. He is holding out a hand to help me up.

"Yes I'm fine." I answer as I take his hand. He pulls me up.

I dust myself off and he looks a bit concerned. I guess this is natural if you are nearby someone who gets hurt.

"Your nose is red."

"It will go away in a little while."

We both walk down to breakfast.

"You do have a beautiful kingdom."

"Thank you."

It doesn't take long to walk down to breakfast. Once we enter the dining hall I sit I'm my seat and David sits in his.

"Rose?" my father says.


"We are starting the tournaments today so the finals will be tomorrow. I'm sure you're thrilled."

I sigh. Mother looks concerned. "Rose your nose is red are you sure you're feeling okay?"

This is my chance to skip while I pretend to be sick.

"My stomach does hurt. Is it okay if I go to my room and have my morning bread in there?"

"Yes, of course. Mary will bring up your bread." I look over at David. He has a look of confusion. I wink at him. As if to say, I'm not really sick. He understands this. Mary is walking beside me with my bread.

"You aren't really sick aren't you?"

"Yes. But we need to make it look like I am. So when mother comes in to check if I need to skip, she will think I'm sick."

"We'll make you have a fever. I'm going to get a hot towel to put on your forehead to make you look sweaty and feel hot to the touch. I'll pull it on your nose too to make it red."


We make it to the room and I finish all but a little of my bread and then I get in bed. Mary has a hot towel and sets it on my forehead. The heat relaxes me.

The towel was a little wet so the front of my hair got a little damp.

"When your mother comes in and says you need to skip she will make me bring the special tea to help you get better. If you drink it, it won't harm you, it will give you energy."

Rose of EthiadiaWhere stories live. Discover now