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After cleaning himself up, Dean walked back over to the bed and pushed Sam in the floor so he could cuddle up next to his angel. Sam glowered at Dean and grunted.

“What the hell man?” Dean shrugged as he pulled Castiel’s sleeping body against his chest.

“You were in my spot.” Sam stood up slowly and shook his head.

“Dean, what is going on between you two? This is weird.” Dean pondered the question for a moment before answering.

“He’s tired, I want to let him rest.” Sam sighed heavily.

“That’s not what I meant and you know it.” Now it was Dean’s turn to sigh and he looked contentedly at his brother.

“There is nothing to tell, Sammy. Cas and I had a bit of a chick-flick moment earlier tonight and then I told him some things I should have said to him a long time ago. No biggie, now let the man sleep, he’s had a veeery long night.” He said with a wink, burying his nose into the crook of Castiel’s neck and closing his eyes. Defeated, Sam removed his shirt and began to saunter to the other bed in the motel room when he heard Dean mumble something in Cas’s ear.

“You have no idea how much I love you.” Sam looked at the two, Dean was running his fingers through Castiel’s dark locks and Cas was sleeping with a large smile on his face. This made a tiny smile sneak onto Sam’s lips and he chuckled gently.

“He finally learned to love…about time Jerk.” He whispered fondly, climbing in to his own bed and drifting into sleep.

Dean woke up with the same warm body in his arms as when he’d fallen asleep, except now the angel was silently gazing at him. He gazed back into the sapphire eyes that only seemed meant for him and pecked his lovers lips softly.

“Good morning, Cas.” He said lazily, touching his forehead against Castiel’s.

“Good morning to you also, baby.” Dean chuckled at Castiel’s term of endearment.

“What made you decide to call me that?” Castiel smiled.

“You said yesterday that humans called the one they love that when they’re in a relationship. I am not fully aware of what our relationship status is, but I would really like it if…I was your boyfriend.” Dean was taken back, not at all expecting this from the holy man.

“Gee Cas…I don’t know about that. I’m not the type to settle, I break hearts, it’s the only thing I know how to do. Besides…no one should know about us.” Castiel blinked a few times in confusion.

“Why?” Dean didn’t really have an answer, biting his lip and looking away. Castiel looked extremely hurt, not that Dean could see it and he pulled out of the embrace. When Dean finally did look at Cas he wished he hadn’t, his eyes were misted over.

“You’re ashamed of me…” Dean’s eyes widened in alarm.

“No, God Cas, what could I be ashamed of when you’re perfect?” Understanding suddenly washed over Castiel’s features.

“You’re ashamed of yourself?” Dean didn’t answer, just grumbled and got out of bed to find some scotch. It didn’t take much for Castiel to get inside Dean’s head, reading enough to confirm his theory.

“You’ve always been ashamed…and now that you have found someone who loves you, you feel like you don’t deserve it.” Dean’s face turned red.

“Don’t pick around in my head you dick!” He spat, flinching at the look of sadness that manifested in Castiel’s eyes.

“I know your soul, Dean. I saw in to it the moment I pulled you from hell, the moment I left that mark. I know things about you that even you don’t know yet and one of those things is that you are the settling type. You chose the one night stand life style because you didn’t want to fall in love and put that person in harms way, it comes with the job. But Dean you have fallen in love…and that’s okay, because I’m not a human. I’m an angel and it’s unlikely that you’re putting me in any real danger.” He got up and walked to Dean, placing his hands on the side of his face and pulling him closer.

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