of course, the song was beautiful and it could bring tears to anyone's eyes, but I had an actual reason.

I realized, in that moment, that everything was okay.

I didn't need to worry about my mom, or sister, or even dad anymore.

I didn't need to worry about stupid teachers or bad grades.

I didn't need to worry, because I had Luke.

I had Luke to fend off anyone who tries to make me lose this hope with his never ending surges of happiness and care towards me.

I knew that Luke had feelings for me, and I know I have feelings for Luke.

but, I think these feelings are growing stronger and stronger by the second, which scares and relieves me at the same time.

now, I can hide behind Luke's barrier of comfort and warmth, without worrying about the surrounding world.

but, I've never been in... in love. in true, deep, complete and utter, love.

sure, I love my mom and sister, and sure I love Lucky Charms, but I've never felt this type of love.

the type that tells me it's okay to look like a mess in front of them because the will still love you.

the type that tells me it's okay to be wearing the fanciest outfit in all of Sydney in front of them, because they will still love you.

the type that tells me that I am completely, utterly, without a doubt, heart achingly, head poundingly, in love with Luke Hemmings.


"I really wanna pierce my lip."

"Why the sudden thought?"

"Not sure, saw someone with one at the concert the other night and I really liked it."

Luke and I walked to our 10:00 am music class together.

It was a few days after the concert, and I still haven't taken my mind off the thought that I love Luke.

Obviously, he doesn't love me... he won't even date me... but, I can't help it, I love Luke.

It was late summer, September third, but it felt like it was the middle of July
in the Sahara Desert.

It probably didn't help that i was wearing all black, but oh well.

"I think you would look good with a lip ring," I smiled, shaking myself from my thoughts.

"Well, then I'll just have to get one, won't I?" he laughed, pinching my cheek.

I laughed along with him as we walked into the large building, heading for our class.

I walked in and felt kind of uneasy.

I hadn't been in this room since that perv kissed me, and I know that I will probably never see him again, but I just couldn't help but shiver as Luke and I walked down the long isle towards our seats in the front.

Michael and Ashton were already there, talking quietly about I think Green Day, but I wasn't sure.

We eventually got to them and we sat in our normal seats, Michael and I up front with Ashton and Luke behind us.

I felt eyes piercing through the back of my scull, but I knew it was Luke looking at me. I smiled slightly to myself and raised my eyes to the front of the classroom.

The door at the front opened slightly and I saw a familiar face walk in. My heart stopped in my chest.

It seemed like everyone in and around me stood still, frozen in fear and shock. Blood stopped pumping through my veins, my heart wasn't beating, and the hairs on the back of my neck rose, but now stood still.

Everyone else in the room seemed untouched by the madness that silently happened in my head. I shakily peered around the room and saw no one really thought anything of it.

I made a full turn so I was facing Luke. He smiled down at me and whispered, "Aren't you happy Mr. Grey is gone?"

I gulped and nodded slowly, still too petrified to move much.

Luke must have noticed my expression because he furrowed his eyebrows and leaned down to my face.

"Is everything okay, sunshine?" he asked nervously.

I slowly shook my head no, and i opened my mouth to say something, but I was interrupted by a familiar voice.

I had always know it to be cold and cruel, but it sounded.. lighter. Less threatening, I guess.

But, that didn't help the situation by too much.

I turned around slowly, not giving Luke an answer.

My eyes met with another pair of brown ones, and they looked so different from when I last saw them.

They used to be black and eerie, but now they seem like mine, chocolate brown and warm.

His smile illuminated the classroom, and he received a few smiles back, not one from me though.

"Good morning students, I'll be your new teacher. Sadly, Mr. Grey has been... excused... from the curriculum on accounts of a complaint by a student," he said, still smiling.

Everything about him had changed.

His smile, so bright and loving, used to be non-existent, because he never smiled. Ever.

His eyes, so comforting and warm, used to be cold and eerie.

His voice, so smooth and warm, used to be threatening and crackly.

"Okay, any questions?" he asked.

His eyes still haven't met mine, an I honestly hope they never do. Not ever.

Ashton raised his hand slowly, seeing that no one else had anything to ask. I gulped and thought, oh come on Ashton, what could possibly be so important!

The man smiled and pointed to Ashton, indicating he could speak.

"Hi yeah, so what's your name?" Ashton asked curiously.

The man laughed and said, "I'm so sorry! I totally forgot to tell you guys."

The class chuckled lightly, but I still hadn't moved from my position, not even breathing.

"Let's start over, shall we?" he suggested.

Everyone shrugged and nodded, except me of course.

"Hello students, I'll be your new music teacher, Mr. Hood."


hey cuties!

ugh I feel like I never update! like only a week will pass by and it feels like I haven't written in two years. what do you guys think? should I update more often?

well anyways, I hope you guys liked this chapter! I didn't really have a set thing I wanted to happen so I just kinda let things flow until I got here lol

okok so this a/n isn't very long so I'll let you guys go, but I really hope you guys are loving the book so far!

don't forget to vote and comment cause I love hearing how you guys feel about it!

love you guys//emily

p.s//don't forget to hmu on Twitter/Instagram! I really wanna get to know some you you guys:)

@emily_stanko for both:)


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