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The rest of lunch went by extremely well, actually. Mikey, Ashton, Calum and I laughed and joked about random stuff most of it. Ashton convinced Calum to come to the band practice later, which was a huge plus, because we really needed a bassist.

Calum was actually a really cool guy. He seemed nice and really down to earth like the rest of us. His face and body also wasn't anything bad, so that's a plus.

I honestly felt awful about the whole things that went down a few nights ago. I mean, I was drunk and he was drunk, and we were both horny gay teens. How was I supposed to know he was a virgin?  

Now that I think about it, I feel bad for snapping at him too. I should have just made up an excuse to leave! Oh well, what's done is done, and I can stare at that pretty little ass of his all I want without feeling bad.

I thought back to that night. How he looked so innocent and scared, yet powerful and full of lust. How his length made me widen my eyes and that pretty little ass ready for me.

Fuck, I need to stop.

I look down and see I have a small bulge, but it's growing by the second. Worry washed over my face as I tired to nonchalantly cover it with my hands and get my mind off it by listening to the conversation. I think it was about a band or something, but all I could think about was how close I was to making that boy scream my name. I mean, lots of people scream my name, but I've never had to stop before they could.

Jesus fuck Luke, get a hold of yourself! You just met him!

"Hey, are you like, okay?" Calum asked, turning to me and giving me a worried/confused expression.

"W-what? Oh! Yeah! I-I'm great," I stuttered awkwardly. I pushed my hands even harder into my length, but it just came right back up each time I did.

Calum looked down at my hands and smirked, but didn't say anything to the boys or me.

Michael and Ashton didn't seem to notice the commotion happening on the other side of the table, but Calum surely noticed.

After a few minuets of mindless chatter, my.. problem.. went away and it was time to leave.

"So when should I come to the frat?" Calum asked. "For like, practice."

"You can just come back with us now," I shrugged.

"Oh, okay," Calum replied.

We piled into my car, and I turned on the radio. It was some pop song. I scoffed and tried to find a good channel, but it was all shit.

I must not have been paying attention to the road, because I kept swerving and almost hitting things.

"Jesus Luke," Calum laughed. "Here, hand me the aux cord before you kill us all."

We all shared a laugh and I quickly handed him the cord. He sat upfront with me, while Ash and Mikey sat in the back.

"Have you guys heard of The 1975?" he asked.

"I heard they were like, shit," I laughed.

Calum gasped and swatted my leg, nearly missing my dick.

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