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;) ;) ;)
{interpret that yourself}


I nervously looked down at Calum, not sure why he was so shakey. Ever since the new teacher walked in, he had looked mortified and uneasy. His hands quivered and his normally tan skin looked paler than Mikey's.

I was shaken from my thoughts when Ashton raised his hand next to me.

"Hi yeah, so what's your name?"

He laughed and started to talk, but zoned out again, looking at Calum's tense body.

Damn...I would fuck him so hard..

Shit, Luke! Get it together! This is not the time to think like this!

"...Mr. Hood," I heard the man finish.

Wait, what the hell? Is that his name? That's Calum's last name?

My eyes darted down to Calum, who's body was turned around again. His chocolate brown eyes, which I have come to love so very much, were filled with fear and panic.

"L-Luke," he croaked out.

"Is that your..."I whispered, looking around the room to make sure no one heard me.

Cal nodded furiously and slowly turned back around, his hands shaking immensely.

I couldn't believe this was happening.

Calum doesn't fucking deserve this! All he's ever been is perfect and all he ever gets is shit!

Suddenly, anger rose up inside me and I jumped to my feet.

"Sir, could you please take your seat?" Mr. Hood asked.

For some reason, that just made me even more angry. I clenched my fists and sucked in a deep breath, willing myself to not go down there and rip is head off.

"How about you get the fuck out of this room, dick bag," I spat.

He gasped and his face suddenly turned hard and angry. I could hear Cal's breath get hitched in is throat, and I figured he had seen that face too many times to count.

"Excuse you, please watch your tone in my class. What's your name?" he snarled, stepping towards us, which meant he stepped even closer to Calum.

"L-Luke," Calum whimpered.

"So your name is Luke?" Mr. Hood growled, taking another step closer.

"Lu-Luke-" Calum stuttered. I had to get him out of this god damn fucking room!

"Calum, let's go, we're leaving," I said quickly, stepping out from the row I was sitting in and into the isle.

"Woah what? where are you guys going?" Ashton asked.

"This fuck twit is Calum's dad," I replied angrily.

Both Ashton and Michaels faces hardened, and they grabbed their things. Both stood up simultaneously and exited their rows.

"Sit back down! I don't know what accusations you're making, but I'm not anyone's father!" Mr. Hood yelled, taking one final step closer and slamming his hand on the desk in front of Calum.

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