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So, I finally met Luke, and he was definitely not what I pictured him as. I mean, no one could picture a person with that many tattoos. They weren't a bad thing, they actually kind of suited him.

I dropped my cigarette and walked out of the smoking spot. I emerged from the concealed darkness to be greeted by hundreds of people crammed in the back yard.

My gaze went up to the stage. Three people were all placed perfectly on it. Michael on the left, Luke on the right, and Ashton in the back with his drums.I couldn't shake the feeling that they needed one more instrument, but I wanted to see them play before I could do anything.

The boys somehow hushed down the crowd and were ready to play, but Ashton yelled into the microphone again.

"Where the fuck is Calum! He said he would be back here to watch us play!" Ashton said loudly.

I winced at the noise, but realized that the boys probably couldn't see me way in the back. I shoved through the drunk and sweaty bodies to get to the very front of the stage. Michael's face brightened when he saw that i was there, and he turned to Ashton, i assume saying that i was now in sight.

Michael leaned his face into the microphone and the whole backyard erupted with his drunken voice.

"Heyyyyy! There he is! Everyone! Say hi to my new roommate, Calum!"

Screams blasted into my ears as i uncomfortably smiled. Luke furrowed his eyebrows and looked at me. He leaned into the mic like Michael did, and said, "Wait a second... this kid right here-" he pointed at me. "This kid, with the blonde streak, his name is Calum, and he's your new roommate?"

"Yep!" Michael laughed.

A large smirk was plastered on Luke's smug face. I could feel his eyes burning holes in mine, and almost everyone was staring at me.

"Well, aren't I lucky," Luke said deeply into the microphone.

Ashton and Michael smirked slightly, and I was so confused on what was going on. I was shaken from my thoughts when Ashton yelled into his mic.

"Alright everyone! This is called Independence Day!"

The crowd, including me, cheered for the band. They all took deep breaths and the crowd silenced completely, which I thought was crazy, because who can silence hundreds of drunk college kids?

Ashton started with with the drums and the two boys immediately went into fastly strumming their guitars.

Luke brought his lips to the mic and started to sing.

"You're telling me the same old story, and that I need to change. If you're not living my life for me you make it feel that way."

My breath got hitched in my throat as the angelic words went through the speakers. Man, that kid could sing. Michael and Luke's guitar skills were way beyond a college band level, same with Ashton's drums. Although, it felt like they were missing an instrument, I just couldn't get my finger on it.

Some of the song had past and the entire crowd was going wild, and so was I. I mean, I just jumped around and laughed, but other drunk college kids grinded against each other crowd surfed.

"I'm over this, I'm over you, I'm not gonna waster my life away. This is my Independence Day. I'm moving on, there's no excuse, and I can't take away your pain. This is my Independence Day. Wouldn't it be nice, if it would have worked out right for us? There's no looking back. This is my Independence Day."

Luke finished off the song and the crowd went absolutely ballistic. They were amazing. But, like I said, they were definitely missing an instrument, but what instrument?

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