1- Its all too Much

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"I'm sorry Eren"

All Levi could do was hold on tight, he didn't care about
the blood. Tears started to fall down his face.

"no Captain, no, dont cry. it's fine...you had to, it was the right thing to do."

​Levi shook his head and hugged Eren tighter. He looked up at him, Eren was also crying, but smiling sadly,

"Captain...Levi...I love you."

Levi stared at him in shock and the tears kept overflowing.

"Levi...you need to take out my heart now, before my titan form takes over again, and before more titans come," Eren buried his face in Levi's neck, "everyone else is dead, so please...I want you to live.

​Levi pushed Eren back holding onto his shoulders, his expression was none like Eren had ever seen; red, puffy, wide eyes still filled with tears, no crease in between his brows, mouth hanging open.

What was he thinking?

He drew a breath as if about to speak, but stopped and pulled Eren back into a hug. Then, he whispered, "Eren, I don't care anymore, humanity is lost, all my comrades are dead, you're about to die, I can't have everyone leave me like this. So, if you're gonna die Eren, then so am I."

​Levi had made up his mind. After Eren was gone, he would die fighting.

Eren lifted his head and looked at his surroundings one last time. They were in a green field, with some type of flower dotting the area, they were pretty. He looked down, where they were sitting, the grass was the color red. He looked at his broken 3DMG, he looked at Levi's blade that had pierced him. Shining with tainted colors silver and red. Levi's cloak was all tattered and ripped. Finally, he looked into Levi's eyes, they both had tears down their cheeks. Levi looked away, unable to meet his gaze and picked up is blade,

"I love you Eren"

Eren couldn't stand it, so he leaned in and kissed him. Levi couldn't help but cry even more, and when he pulled away, Eren chuckled.

"I have no regrets captain"

​Levi bit his lip to refrain from screaming with the pain he feels in his chest, and with that, he took his blade and stabbed Eren in the heart. Funny thing was, Eren's last expression wasn't shock or pain, he seemed relieved. All the life leaked out of his eyes and he slumped forward onto Levi.

Then everything went black.


HEY guyssssssssssssss, so this might be really shitty but oh whales :D hope yeeeee like it!
I doubt anyone would read this but YEH NNEVER KNO
*laughs painfully while eating a whole tub of icecream*

should I keep going with this story?



love me???????? lel jk fam

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