Friends Again

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Chapter 14
( 2 months later )
Rachels pov :
Its been 2 wonderful months since Finn and I got back together and we couldn't be happier. I haven't talked to Kurt since he got suspended for that note . He's coming back today though and I have no idea what I'm going to say to him when I see him. I was at my locker when I looked over and saw him walking when suddenly he was slushied . He looked shocked and to be honest I felt bad for him. I took out a towl from my locker that I kept when I got slushied and walked up to him . "Here." I said. He looked at me and took the towl. "Thanks." He said . "Come on I'll go help you clean yourself up." I said and we went into the girls bathroom. "Why are you being so nice to me after what I did?" Kurt asked me as I washed the slushie out of his hair. "Look even though what you did was super wrong and horrible you've been my best friend for 2 years and I don't get why you did what you did but I do know that I'm a good person and I won't you hanging like that . I know how much it stings." I told him. He looked at me and said , "I was jealous. " He told me. "Of what?" I asked him. "Of you being happy and I guess when I wrote that note that you would think it was from Finn and you would could running to me." He told me. "Kurt you know that no one could ever replace you but it hurt me to know you wrote that ." I said. "I'm sorry Rachel, I never meant to hurt you the way I did please forgive me." He begged. "Kurt , I want more than anything for you to be my best friend again but I don't trust you anymore and I don't think I will for awhile. " I said. "Oh , I get it." He said. "But you can always earn my trust back and maybe we can be friends again." I said. He smiled , "I would like that , a lot ." He said. "Me too." I said. "Can I atleast give you a hug?" He asked. I smirked and gave him a hug. We walked out and said our goodbyes just as Finn walked up to me . "Hey beautiful , what was that about?" He asked me. "Well Kurt and I made up sorta." I said. "Everything okay now? " He asked me. "Yeah , I think so." I said putting my arms around him as the bell rang. "Well I gotta go to football practice tonight but after you wanna hang ?" He asked me. "Sure sounds great babe." I said. "Great I'll pick you up at 5 ." He said and gave me a kiss and walked away.

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