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Arden's POV
"GUYS!!! SHHHH!! THEYRE HOME!" I whispered as I ducked down behind the kitchen counter
"Oh my god" I heard Braelyn mumble
"Wow not even my friends showed up the day I get home..." She sounded terribly sad, which made me cringe inside. Knowing my best friend was sad, made me get in awful feeling in the pit of my stomach.
"...SURPRISE!!!" We all jumped out of our hiding places, clearly making Brealyn astonished.
She cupped her hands over her mouth and tears started to form in her piercing green eyes.
"Oh my god" she whispered, as tears started to flow down her face
"JERSEY!!" She yelled, running over to her now full grown, not so much puppy anymore.
"You guys this is truly amazing. The best present I have every received. Thank you so much to all of you who are here. I love you all and all of you have made this terrible situation somewhat bare able. Thank you. I couldn't thank all of you enough." At this point, she was sitting on the floor, snuggling with Jersey, and tears flowing out of her eyes.
"Arden..." She raspily whispered
"Shhh..." I said comfortingly, engulfing my best friend, cancer free, favorite human being on earth, in my arms.
"You're home now B...you're home."

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