Chapter 10

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A/N: This chapter is exceptionally disturbing.

Camila was beginning to hate weekends because Lauren was home for most of the day. She got tired of waiting for Normani to wake up, so braved her way past Lauren in the living room and went to the kitchen for breakfast. Lauren was sitting on the couch studying again for the CPA exam. Camila quickly downed a bowl of cereal at the table and returned to the back of the house.

The guest was about to go back to her room and watch movies on Normani's laptop, but she instead decided to check on her. It wasn't normal for her to wake up so late. Camila opened her host's bedroom door and found her still sleeping in bed. Camila crawled in and shook Normani in an attempt to get her to wake up, but all she got was a groan as Normani stirred a little.

"Wake up. It's a beautiful day outside."

"I wanna stay here," Normani mumbled.

Camila shook Normani again trying to annoy her into getting out of bed. "You're wasting the day away. Let's have a water fight in the backyard."

Normani abruptly pulled the sheets down from her face. "That sounds like fun."

Normani brushed her teeth, took her medicine, and ate a Nutri-Grain bar before putting on a bikini. Luckily, Camila had gotten a bathing suit on their shopping trip because Normani planned to take her to the water park one day. Normani went to the hall closet to pull out leftover balloons they had bought when they threw a party for one of her nieces. Outside in the backyard, the two women filled up the balloons using a water hose.

It was now time for battle, and the water balloons were their ammunition. They were like kids again running around ducking behind things, laughing, and throwing water balloons at each other. When Normani ran out of balloons, she grabbed the water hose to attack Camila leading to her surrender.

"If there is one thing we Earthlings are good at, it's war," Normani boasted.

"Hey!" Lauren could be seen poking her head out of the slide door. "Can you keep it down? I'm trying to study in here."

With the aid of Normani's hand, Camila got up off the ground. "I hate Lauren. I've never hated someone so much in my whole entire life," Camila admitted.

"This exam is really important," explained Normani.

"So was the audition you skipped yesterday," said Camila.

"Let's go dry off and change." Normani wanted to avoid the subject.

After slipping into some clothing, the two made their way to the living room to see if the TV would be free, but they found Lauren napping on the couch.

"I have something fun we can do," Camila proposed. "There's this machine that mental health doctors use on my planet. I was going to share the technology with Dr. Cowell. It scans the mind for its most prominent memories and displays them on a screen."

"And, what would we do with this machine?" Normani inquired.

"We would find the root cause of Lauren's evil," Camila responded.

"Hmmm. I don't know. That seems like an extreme invasion of privacy. And, what if she wakes up?"

"I have a sedative to inject into her. It's safe; I promise," Camila grinned.

"Alright," Normani conceded. "I'm trusting that you aren't going to hurt my girlfriend."

Both of them went to Camila's room to pull the machine out of her closet. It wasn't very large. It had a monitor with built-in speakers, a small computer with several buttons on it, and a cap hooked to the computer with a wire. Camila also pulled a syringe out of a small bag and filled it with a substance that was held in a vile. They then went back to the living room where Camila injected Lauren with the sedative to make sure she would stay asleep during the process. She also fitted the cap on her head.

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