You see through my disguise

Start from the beginning

All through the early hours of the night was the moaning and breathing from Brian and Stef, the two seemed to really be in-sync with each other at the time.

"I fucking love you motherfucker." Brian said, grabbing onto Stefan's chest with his hands.

Brian seemed to forget about everything.

Stefan moaned back to Brian with an, "I love you." Right after.

He gave Brian a kiss and laid down beside him. The Swedish man wanted to end the night there, and he did for a while.


Brian got up from sleeping beside Stefan, he had an urge to call Ella. It didn't seem like a good idea, but he decided to do it anyways.

Brian like to do bad things every once-in-a-while.

He took his phone from his bedside table and called Ella, he heard her soft voice soon afterwards.

"Hey." He said, not sure what to think. "Is this Brian?"

Brian smiled. "Yeah."

The woman went on to talk about certain things while Brian listened.

Stefan got up, hearing Brian sit up. He started putting on his clothes, realizing this wasn't what he wanted.

Stef knew he could've stopped this, but he just wanted to leave.

Brian turned around to Stefan, "Why are you leaving?" He asked. By now, he was packing his things.

Stefan sighed. "You lied to me, you fucking lied to me." Stefan left the room.

Brian threw the phone down. "Hey, I'm sorry. It was just some useless fucking with this girl."

He got up, still nude and followed Stefan out.

"Well, you still lied to me." Stefan slammed the door and left, sad about what he just heard.

Brian ran to the window in his room, watching the black car pull away.

Tears streamed down his face, this was his fuck up.


"Brian?" Stefan asked, wanting to hear an answer.

There had only been the noise of the fridge whirring.

"Go check his room. I'll clean up out here." Jeph said.

He went into the fridge and found a trash bag to throw the glass into.

Stefan crept into Brian's room, where he had broke his heart last night.

There was more glass and it looked like blood following into his room. Stef was thinking that he had cut himself on the T.V. when he had knocked it over.

"Brian?" He asked again. He heard the fan in the bathroom going on, so maybe he was in there.

He went into the room, noticing the bathroom door open immediately.

A figure laid on the bathroom floor, in a puddle of his vomit and his eyes glazed over.

Stefan rushed towards the naked body, knowing that he had done something to himself.

The twenty-one year old took his coat and wrapped Brian in it, making sure he could be warm.

Stefan picked him up and held him in his arms, starting to let clear liquid fall from his eyes.

Jeph came over into the room, not sure what to think.

"What the- oh fuck." He started for the  bathroom. "Stef, did you find him like this?" He asked.

"Yeah," he said sorrowful, "call an ambulance. Please."

Jeph headed for a phone while Stefan carried him to his bed. His head was sweating, but he was as cold as ice.

Stef could feel a pulse, so he knew he was still breathing. He had so many thoughts flowing through him and he wondered what Brian had done to himself.

He heard Jeph speaking on the phone while Stef huddled over Brian's body.

He took the blankets and wiped his sweating forehead until it seemed dry.

Stefan looked around, noticing a box that Brian had pulled out from underneath his bed.

He got down on the floor and saw the needle that he had injected into his arm. There was a bottle that went along with the needle and said Ketamine.

This worried Stef, he must've overdosed on this to get where he was and this worried the other man.

"Brian wake up," He cried, pushing the dyed black hair from his eyes, "please Brian, wake up."

Stefan gave him a kiss and cried, not knowing what had exactly happened to him, and how he could've stopped it from ever happening.  

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