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"I'm coming!" cried Bea from the kitchen, it had been two days since Owen had told her about InGen contacting him about returning to what remained of Jurassic World. Bea practically ripped off the apron she was wearing and threw it over the kitchen counter as she walked out, a third ring echoed through the house as she crossed the living room of the house that had once belonged to her parents but where she currently lived alone. "Jesus Christ I said I'm coming!" barked Bea.

The young woman marched towards the front door and with affirm grip around the golden door knob she yanked the door open and found herself facing a man that looked a few years older than Bea but a few years younger than Owen.

"Hello" said Bea, a gentle frown over her face "Can I help you?"

"Good afternoon" he smiled and looked down at a folder he was holding "Are you Be..." he started as he read her name from the folder.

"Yes" she answered rapidly "Yeah, I'm Bea Grady"

The young man looked down at his papers and frowned gently as he read the name once more, Bea rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"It's how I liked to be called" she explained.

"Oh" said the man as he looked up at her and smiled once more "Then I have the right house"

"You think?" thought Bea, she raised her left eyebrow and answered "Yeah, and you are?" but as her eyes slowly turned to the folder the man was holding, she answered her own question "International Genetics Technologies" she whispered, Bea's eyes snapped rapidly back up at the handsome looking man "You're from InGen"

"I am" he smiled, he extended his hand "Andrew McKenzie"

"Come in" said Bea after shaking hands with him, her voice turning cold and harsh but Andrew didn't seem to notice.

Bea turned on the ball of her feet and walked rapidly towards the living room, she heard the young man close the door behind him and as she turned around to take a seat over her beige sofa she found the young man already taking a seat over one of the single arm chairs.

"You already know who I am" he smiled "And from where I am" he looked down at his lap and pulled out a few pictures from his folder "Now let's talk about why I'm here"

"I think I know why" said Bea, she crossed her arms over her chest as she looked down at the pictures Andrew was holding "You contacted my brother about returning to that hell hole"

Andrew chuckled and Bea hated the sound of his voice from there on "It's not what I would consider a hell hole"

"Because you clearly were not there when that creature escaped" pointed out Bea, Andrew nodded in agreement "And I'm pretty sure Ian Malcolm and Alan Grant would agree that it's a hell hole"

Andrew seemed to tense under the names of the first visitors the Jurassic industry ever had, but he recovered rapidly and gave Bea another smile.

"Why is he smiling so much?" barked Bea in her mind, an urge to slap the man across the face grew in her but she wasn't sure why.

"Look, Bea I'm not here to argue with you" explained Andrew "I'm here because InGen is interested in adding you to our new project"

"New project?" asked Bea, she leaned over her knees "Don't you think that InGen should stop creating projects? How many disasters do you need until you realize that dinosaurs aren't toys or attractions, huh?!"

"The I-Rex was the last disaster" explained Andrew, he looked down at his pictures and then handed them to Bea "Take a look at these"

Bea hesitated but ended up taking the photos from Andrew's hands and slowly she looked down at them and frowned as she turned from one photo to the other.

"What you are seeing there is what InGen recovered from the park" explained Andrew as he watched Bea closely "It's the bungalows for exclusive use and the small activity center"

"Yeah, I know" barked Bea, she looked up "So what? You guys are making what? A hotel?"

"No" said Andrew, he stood up and walked towards Bea, he sat down next to her and took the pictures from her hands "The International Animal Protection contacted us a few months after the I-Rex disaster and we've been forced to create this program"

"Look dude" said Bea, she pushed herself a few inches away from Andrew "Just tell me what you want because you are talking a lot but saying nothing"

"The IAP wants us to take care of the animals" said Andrew finally "For their well being, that they are taken care off"

"Like a zoo?" asked Bea "Or like a reservoir?"

"A reservoir" Andrew sighed, "And we need a few people that know the animals to come over and look at them, a few people would have to stay at the island for some time but we are working on that"

"That's why you need Owen and Barry" whispered Bea "For the raptors, why would you need me?"

"We have the file of your help in the diet of a few of the smaller animals and we might be interested" explained Andrew "We would like to put people in the island that are familiar with the place and the animals and to be honest not a lot of people are willing to go, but someone has to take care of the animals"

Bea looked at Andrew, she sighed, she knew her brother would murder her if she said yes to this in any kind of way; she was sure Barry would help kill her and maybe even Zach if Owen didn't scare him away first.

"Have you contacted someone else? Other than my brother and Barry?"

"Yes, of course" smiled Andrew "We talked to Miss Dearing and Mr. Cruthers and Miss Krill and a few others, not all have answered yet"

"Lowery and Claire" whispered Bea, she looked down at her hands "And Vivian too"

"There will be a test trial, to show you the buildings were the personnel would be staying and the way the reservoir would work, the first plane leaves in a week, you can come just to see the place, you could even bring a friend, like a mini vacation"

"Do you have any idea what happened the last time I vacationed there?" asked Bea, she looked up at Andrew, he nodded but said nothing "How long do I have to give you an answer?"

"I'll come back tomorrow for the answer" explained Andrew, he shuffled the photos into his folder and stood up.

Bea stood up and slowly started to walk towards the door followed by Andrew, she slowly turned around and found the man almost invading her personal space; the young woman smiled awkwardly before she pulled the door of the house open and he walked out, he turned around and looked at her.

"A pleasure talking to you, Bea"

"Don't call me that" thought Bea as she started to close the door, Andrew walking down the porch stairs.

Bea closed the door fully and leaned against it, her head drowning in thoughts and her chest starting to rise and fall because despite all that had happened a year ago she knew what had to be done. The young woman slid slowly down the door and gently sat over the cold floor, she bit her right thumb as she felt her phone vibrate in the back pocket of her shorts. With her mind focused on other things, Bea slowly pulled her phone out and looked down at the screen to find Zach's name and a photo of both of them staring back at her.

"Hello" whispered Bea as she answered the call.

"Hey" Zach's voice sounded cheerful "Are you at home or at school?"

"I'm at home" she answered softly.

"Are you ok?" he asked.

Bea sighed and then took a deep breath.

"We need to talk"


So I know these two chapters haven't been so exciting but its just to give some context to what's going on, but I promise that from chapter 3-4 it won't be so slow paced!!!

Thank you for reading!!!!

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