Chapter - 15 Death In The Family..

Start from the beginning

"Same." Travis commented.

Barry was eating a chilli fry and he hands me the other half and I eat it without hesitation.

"Well, sport or hobby, I am still better than you, Barry." He laughs and I take a chilli fry off of his plate, take a bite and give him the other half.

"All right, well, I'm serious a little bit of press, the lanes could be designed as, like a landmark or something."

"You're right, hey Linda if you don't do the story mind if I ask my sister?"

"Sure, though she's more on writing about the flash and his side kick."

I wave my finger and make Linda trip in mid air.

"Careful there. Would t want you to trip on your face there."

"Hey, Travis. You're up."

"Yeah..." He gets up and I rub his shoulders.

"You go Travis!"

Barry gets a call on his cell and he looks at me as he answers it.

"Yeah I'll be right over."

He hangs up and gives Linda a kiss.

Ew I think I just puked a little.

"I gotta go, duty calls. Rose see you at home." He touches my hand as he walks by and I smile.

"See you." I watch him leave.

"Well this was fun but I guess since this date was cut short I can go back to my apartment and work on some more paperwork. See you guys soon." Linda leaves and I get up.

"What was that about?" Travis asks as we walk over to give our shoes back.

"They both had something to do."

"No, not that. You and Barry?"

"Me and Barry? Oh, God don't tell me you're jealous."

"Rose, you and him seem to have a better connection than you and me."

"Travis you're being rid-"

"No, I'm not and until I'm sure you're really in this relationship. Then maybe we shouldn't be together." He walks off and I sigh.

I should go after him and explain that there's nothing going on with Barry and me.

But I'm not even sure if that's true.

"Jerk.." I just notice he left and he drove here.

I take off my jacket and fold it up as I walk outside.

I look around and take off when I see that no one was looking.

I know I shouldn't be near Barry, because he has a girlfriend but I can't help how I feel about him.

Why is life so confusing?

I mean my super hero life isn't this confusing...

Remember when I said my superhero life wasn't that confusing?


The next morning Barry and dad had some news on what happened last night.

"So Clyde Mardon has a brother?" Caitlyn asks after we see the mug shots.

"And both brothers survive the plane crash, and then the dark matter released from the particle accelerator explosion. Affects then both in virtually the same way."

I may seem like I'm listening to them but I'm really sitting behind the desk reading an Avengers comic book.

Maybe my comic book life would be better.

Chase The Impossible *A Barry Allen/OC Love Story #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now