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"Niall!" I grab his hand as I scream. "It hurts!" I scream again. "Move me too the bed." I demand and Niall helps to pull me up. "Where the fuck is Rachel?!" I scream as I get on my hands and knees on the mattress. The pain disappears for a minute.

"If you would have told me that you were in labor all day...I could have called her sooner." He mutters and I let out another cry. "Shh...."He rubs the base of my back. I hold his hand in mine, as each contraction rips through my body.

"Ah there we are.." I hear Rachel's soothing voice as she walks into the room. "Are we absolutely ready to have this baby?" She asks and she begins to check me out. "You're not quite dilated to 10 CM yet, so don't push unless you have to." She says and sits back in the rocking chair Niall brought in.

"How long until he's here?" Niall asks. "How you doin' Sam?"

"How do you think I'm feeling!?" I scream back at him just as my body tightens again. I struggle to catch my breath and reach for Niall's hand. "Nialllll!" I cry and pull myself into Niall's chest. He rubs my back and I squeeze him harder.

"Not long, she's really close but if we could wait just a little bit longer it would be perfect." She says and looks down at her watch. "How far are they apart?"

"Two minutes." He says and her eyes get wide.

"We are no doubt having him today." She was so calm about everything. This was normal for her but just something about her presence made me feel better. "Let's just check his heart beat." She says and I lay down on my back. Woosh woosh woosh. I breathe another sigh of relieve. He's still in there and ready to come out. Niall lays himself next to me and brushes the hair out of my face.

"Can I push yet...?" I mumble and take a deep breath. "Fuck he's coming." I let out a big scream again and Niall presses his lips against my temple. I can feel his head between my legs. "Niall I'm not fucking kidding!" Rachel sits up and scoots a little closer to the bed.

"This is progressing much faster than expected." She says.

"No shit!" I scream again and Niall grabs my hand.

"You just have to pass the shoulders Sam. After that you're golden. And on three....one...two..three...push...." I listen and try my hardest. "Hold...one, two, three...relax. Sam you're doing great." She smiles. "Again, this won't take very long at this rate, keep it up Samantha. Ready, push.....relax..." We repeat this several more times. My face dripped with sweat as I pushed. This wasn't what I imagined it. "Last time, last big push. One....two...three....there we go Sam!" I hear a loud, shrilling cry and drop my head back. I feel him kick my thigh and take a deep breath. "She's here!"

Through The DarkOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora